Second Day In Neverland

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Peter had somehow snuck onto the ship early in the morning and found Killian in his bunk. So instead of waking him up normally, he decided that poking his nose in an annoying manner would be better.

When that didn't work, boy that man is a heavy sleeper, Pan took a feather and tickled Hook's nose with it. It twitched in a cute manner, Peter thought. Yeah, Peter admitted that to himself. He had no problem being attracted to males; he was in fact bi.

Speaking of, he was quite attracted to Killian. He wondered if Killian felt the same..He'll find out on way or another.

Pan was so lost in his own thoughts that he didn't notice Hook's eyes flutter open. He quickly snapped out of his thoughts and took the feather from in front of his nose. "Good morning!" Pan exclaimed cheerfully.

"What are you doing here? And why did you wake me up?" Killian asked in a raspy voice, seeing as though he just woke up. Why did Pan have to be so annoying? Why couldn't he just let him sleep? What was so important that he had to wake him up? These were all the questions that were going through Hook's mind.

"Um, you were supposed to respond 'Good morning, Peter? How did you sleep?'" Peter added and laughed. "But since you asked, I'm here to wake you up so we could eat then start on your ship. Now that answers both of your questions." Pan nodded and stepped back. "So get up and ready."

Killian groaned and flung the covers off himself. "Fine. What are we going to eat?" He asked and stood, already dressed, since he never really had enough clothes to change into 'pijamas'. All he needed to put on were his coat and boots.

"Hmm, eggs sound good?" Pan asked.

Killian grabbed his coat off from a wooden chair by his bed and put it on. "Yeah I guess."

"Good, because there's not much else." The younger boy said and chuckled.

"Why am I not surprised? I mean it is just an island." Hook shrugged and slipped on his boots, walking to his small bathroom afterwards. He brushed his teeth and used the bathroom.

"Hurry up!" Pan shouted happily as he walked out to the top deck.

"Why is he always so hyper?" Killian muttered to himself as he walked out of the bathroom, going up to meet Peter on the deck. He put his hand up to shield his eyes from the harsh sun. After a while of rapid blinking, his eyes finally adjusted to the bright light.

"Ready to eat?" Peter asked with a smile as he hopped up on the railing of the ship. He was always so light on his feet.

"Of course." Hook nodded. His stomach growled softly, right on que. He was sure Pan didn't hear that since it was pretty quiet, but he still didn't even want him to hear it.

"Okay. Follow me!" The younger boy said and hopped off the ship and onto the shore. How was he so happy all the damn time? Hook wondered to himself.

Killian walked down the steps until he was on the sand, walking behind Pan. He was ahead by now but Killian knew he'd catch up pretty quickly.


Killian sat on the log opposite from Pan as they ate their breakfast. Noticing Peter glance at him often.

"What it is?" Killian asked as he ate, not looking up at the boy.

" just your clothes, they're so different." Pan shrugged and set down his homemade plate.

"What? Because they're not rags like yours?" The older man asked with a small chuckle as he looked up at the boy.

"Mines aren't 'rags'. They're proper attire for being out in this island for practically my whole life. You should be impressed actually." The light-haired boy said simply.

"Well that's true. Speaking of this island, why do you stay on it? You know there's basically a whole new world out there. Full of modern type of things." Killian said and set down his empty plate.

"Well, because it's mine. I'm the king around here. Once I step out of it, there is so much disrespect and terrible people. They all come at me with these horrible accusations and threats, don't take me wrong, I can take it. I just prefer not to deal with it." Pan shrugged.

"You mean Regina and her crew of assholes?" Hook asked and laughed lightly. He knew exactly how Pan felt when it came to being threatened by the woman.

"Exactly. They all look at me like I'm the bad guy. Even though it does make me seem badass." Peter smirked and chuckled.

"Well you kind of are, you steal children so you won't be alone on this island. Its pretty evil." The older man nodded.

Pan simply shrugged. "I'm just giving them a fun adventure. That's what I like to think of it."

"Fun way of thinking. Or avoiding who you really are." Killian said in a simple manner, causing Peter to look over at him in a serious tone. It was rare for Peter to not have a smile on his face, and that's exactly what Killian noticed. The infamous smile was missing from the boys features, replaced by a serious expression. 'Maybe I took it too far.' Killian thought to himself.

"So how about we start on my ship?" Hook asked, changing the topic quickly.

"Sure thing." Peter agreed and nodded, standing up.


Damn, sorry for not updating in a while. Been having writer's block with both of my stories. But I'll try to write more, I promise.

Well..hopefully cx lol

Sorry for the short chapter btw.

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