'Nice' to meet you.

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"You, my good sir,  are on Neverland." Peter said and motioned to the island around him.

"Neverland? A-Are you Peter Pan?" The male asked and stumbled on to his feet.

"That's me. Who are you?" Peter asked and circled the male, observing him.

The male looked at him and stepped away. "I'm Killian Jones." He spat and turned on his heels, wanting to get as far away from the strange boy as possible. Killian walked towards the shoreline and looked out. "My ship...my ship!" He exlaimed in horror.

Pan crossed his arms and watched 'Killian' being distressed. He snickered to himself and walked towards him. "Yeah, your lovely ship isn't so lovely anymore."

"Get away!" Killian spoke harshly and walked to his ship, trying to find all the parts that were damaged. "I have to fix this..." He mumbled quietly to himself.

(I'll update sooner. Sorry for taking so long! ...)

-Violet-haired disaster~

In Neverland with this bloody demon.Where stories live. Discover now