Chapter 1 (Ciel)

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- Fun? -

I think I made the wrong decision in choosing to come to this girl's house without my best friend. I know she told me I could bring him if that made me more comfortable, but I didn't think that I would need to.

Let me let you in on a little secret - I needed to.

My eyes trace the space of her room as I sit on the soft bed in front of the blonde and her friend, trying my best to avoid awkward eye contact.

"So, Ciel - first thing's first - I feel like I should tell you something that I forgot to mention yesterday. have promise you won't freak out though, okay?"

The blank stare she receives in return is probably an answer to her question all in it's own.

"Do you remember when I invited you to his birthday party?" I nod and she continues. "Well, my whole plan is to really fix you up a bit - new clothes and such - and tell you how Sebastian operates, so to say. After that, I figured you could maybe go to his party and rile him up or something, show him your inner...player?"

"I don't think I have one of those."

Elizabeth laughs at my declaration and I feel the tension in my shoulders start to ease, but not enough as it should.

"Anyway," I sit up straight, raising my eyebrow at the pair of girls in front of me. "Is there something else you want to tell me? Because all of that didn't seem too bad, I'm pretty okay with that plan in itself."

Both of the girls look away and Mey Rin pushes up her glasses in an almost regretful manner.

"The, um....his party is, uh, tonight? Which is really not that big of a deal - we have plenty of time to do what we need t -" I cut off her rapid fire of words, holding up my hand and staring at the pink bedspread.

After a decent amount of nothing but silence while I absorbed what she just told me, I lean back and cross my arms, my shoulders resting against the headboard.

"So then, let me see if I'm following here. Both of you know how I feel about Sebastian, and you want to help me get close to him, maybe even form a relationship between the two of us, right? Okay, and by doing that, your plan is to change almost everything about me. You want to change the way I dress, the way I approach people, my attitude, my personality, etc, yes? That's all fine and dandy, I could probably manage to do that if I tried hard enough, not a problem. But you want to do all of this in less than a day - make me into something that I most definitely am not, correct? Yeah, that's what I thought. See, I don't think that's gonna happen any time soon, so maybe we could choose another time for my big debut as Sebastian's future boyfriend, okay?"

I look at them with hopeful eyes, but I can tell by the expressions on their faces that I'm getting nowhere.

"Ciel, I can see where you may be concerned, but I promise you that we can do this. His party doesn't start until eleven, and even then people probably won't show up until around midnight."

"Elizabeth, I have trouble staying up past nine."

Mey Rin chuckles but her friend just looks excited, if not thrilled by my statement.

"That's fine, we'll just fill you up with a lot of coffee and energy drinks - I do it all the time. And please, call me Lizzy. I have a feeling that the three of us are going to be good friends."

Do It Like A Dude (SebaCiel Highschool AU)Where stories live. Discover now