Chapter 7: Driving messes

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It was a rather hot day, so I opened my baby's windows to feel the wind through my locks as I was quickly making my way to Jason's house (although not illegally quickly). I had to keep myself from digging too deep in my thoughts, since strange things were happening with my friend lately. First we got together, then we broke up, now we're friends but I can't deny it's not like before. Everything is always different when he's around me. I don't think I'll ever get rid of that feelings, no matter how many guys I date.

I sighed as I made sure to stop properly before a stop sign and smiled for myself. The day I missed that stop sign and Jason's car ended up against some crazy bald's van was one I did not want to repeat ever again. I had promised I'd drive carefully, and that was a promise I intended to keep.

What nobody ever bothered to tell me was that, no matter of carefully you drive all the time, you can always run into someone... not so careful, to put it in nice words. I was crossing the road just a few blocks away from my boyfriend's place when suddenly some lights dazzled me for no longer than a second. Still I don't remember having enough time to react. I just remember seeing blue and feeling the need of stepping on the gas for dear life. After the whole incident I realized we weren't really going that fast given the fact we were in a residential neighborhood, but in the moment I felt in the middle of a Fast and Furious movie. I stepped the break and stayed there breathing heavily in the middle of the shock. What the hell had just happened? I heard another break sound and when I turned my head I saw a blond figure hopping down of her fancy Mercedes looking as shocked as I was. So she was the bloody idiot who almost crashed against me. Wait... almost? I quickly hopped down of the car dreading whatever that could have happened to my baby and when I turned my head to the back of it... HOLLY MOTHER OF SHIT.

-HOLY CRAP, I yelled as the blond girl made it out of her shock and approached to me.

-I'm sorry..., she started saying but stopped when I glared daggers at her. If only looks could kill.

-You're sorry?! Did you see what you did to my poor baby you idiot?!, I kept on screeching as she shrunk a little bit not understanding why I was making such a big deal of it.

-I'm sorry but... it was nothing, she kept on saying and I got angrier.

-Oh, nothing? Then how do you call THAT?, I asked her as I pointed out a scratch in my precious baby's painting. Oh she was dead.

-The fuck is your problem? It's just a scratch and...

-MY problem? What is your fucking problem? I have news for you: there's something to prevent these kind of things and it's called BREAK.

I didn't even realize I had an audience. I didn't give a damn anyway. This was my car and she was paying hell for the damage. She had no right to hurt my baby the way she did. Some people started requesting for me to calm myself down to figure out what the problem was.

-That motherfucker bitch scratched my car because she was too fucking dumb to see where she was going, I spat and all of the sudden I heard a death silence.

I was not alone. For sure I already knew I had a couple dozen of curious eyes all over me, but I didn't distinguish who exactly was among them until I heard a sound that makes me tremble. Someone clearing their throat.

There's only a short amount of people who can make that sound and freeze me in my spot, and I never thought I could find any of them there, let alone what actually happened. I turned on my heels slowly to be met by not one or two... three pair of angry eyes staring down at me. I gulped loudly as I didn't dare to make a move.

Time to do some explaining, and it better be good.

-Jessica what in the world were you thinking?, the three older men stated roughly as I shrinked in my shirt like a scared lamb. Crap I was in trouble.

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