Chapter 21: The last one Pt. 1

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I'm moving to London. By winter break.

To say Paul was shocked was an understatement. He was absolutely paralyzed. I don't think he even blinked more than necessary in order for his eyes not to completely dry out. The more time passed by without him saying anything, the more what I had said sunk into my heart. I was fucking leaving.

"Ugh this is all your fault!" I suddenly let out breaking the awful silence we were into, despite the fact my butt was still throbbing from the spanking I had gotten seconds ago.

"How is this my fault?" Paul frowned at me clearly not impressed by my tone.

"You wanted my parents to care, and now they do. They care so much to bring me to LONDON with them. My life is here, I can't leave!" I said going full desperation mode and not planning on getting it off for a while. What the hell was I going to do?

"Jessica calm down" Paul said trying to stop my erratic pacing around the room. It was so not the time to calm down.

"No! I can't calm down. I'm about to lose everything I've ever cared about for people who haven't cared for me in the past 16 years" I said trying to make him see the injustice that was being committed against myself. So much for bonding with me.

They can take that bond and shove it right up their...

"Does this... has anything to do with the tattoo thing?" Paul said all of the sudden, interrupting my nasty thoughts, and I stopped wondering if was better to lie. Resolving that it wasn't, I slowly nodded my head. "Should have known. Why you didn't tell me before?" he asked while furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.

"I don't know. I couldn't find the words... or the strength" I said while gulping down a huge knot down my throat. "To tell you that I'd never see you again" I said and instinctively nibbled on my lip to prevent it from wobbling. Paul's gentle hand appeared on the frame to pull my lip out of my teeth reach before I make myself bleed, never resigning his role to take care of me even in such a simple way.

"Please talk to them Paul, I beg you" I said clutching to his hand and keeping it close to me. He dedicated me one of his sweetest looks and for a second I thought everything would be ok.

"I will. Don't worry Jess, we'll find a solution, ok?" he said almost to himself and even when I doubted there was anything to do, if there was, he'd do it.

He'd hate to lose me just as much as I'd hate to lose him. The only question that hung on the air was: why the hell would he miss me?

Obviously as days passed by, Mike and Nick found out about my permanent trip, but of course I hadn't told them. I had rathered the word of me leaving to spread out, so I wouldn't be faced with sorry eyes and tears. I had enough of those of my own to be honest with you. As much trust as I had put on Paul, turns out there was in fact nothing we could do. He called me to the teacher's room and, after making sure nobody would get in, he started the talking.

"Jess I'm afraid it's bad news" he dropped the bomb and I felt all my hopes crushing in my chest making it hurt. "Apparently this hasn't been up to your mom and dad to decide. When I talked to them, they realized you had a life here and wouldn't want you to leave it behind, but if they do indeed move permanently to London like they have planned, leaving you here would have very serious legal consequences" he explained carefully every detail slowly so I'd process it in my head. Once that I put two and two together that hate and resentful feeling came back through my throat and laced to the words I spoke.

"Oh so that's the thing. They have to bring me with them" I said as the knews only pissed me off more. I couldn't believe my parents.

"Jessie not now" Paul almost begged me not to waste my time bitching my parents so I didn't. "So the bottom line is that either they stay or you go. And unfortunately they're not willing to stay" he concluded the explanation but that part I already knew.

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