Chapter 18: Two in a row Pt. 2

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A couple hours after my encounter with Paul, which in my head I labeled round 1, I met my boyfriend Jason outside in the school yards. We both had a free period and I desperately needed some comfort. I had acted like I didn't when Paul finished spanking me, because I was incredibly angry at him. But still I couldn't go through a punishment without getting my cuddles after, so lucky for me Jason was available.

"I'm just so frustrated with him right now" I mumbled angrily from my position cuddled to my boyfriend's side, my head tucked into his neck as he caressed my hair almost making me purr.

"Babe I don't like this anymore than you do, but I do think Paul's just trying to help. You know he wants the best for you" Jason said between sweet kisses on my neck and cheeks, melting my heart with him comprehensive tone of voice. Mhmmm how can a girl say no in this state?

"But I don't want things to change" I resisted the urge to drop the conversation and exchange it for a more 'hands on' approach. Jason's smoking body was all over me and all I could thought of was the fact that things were imminently going to change.

"Don't you? You really want them to continue to be the way they are now?" he asked trying to meet my eyes, knowing he'd find a spark of lie in them. I looked at nothing for a minute trying to figure out my truthful answer to that question.

My relationship with my parents hadn't always been this way. When I was little I thought they were the best parents in the world, always gave me what I wanted for Christmas, I could eat whatever I wanted whenever I wanted, I didn't have a bedtime like most kids... To me in that moment ruled, and when they were around they were quite caring. Even now, when we go away for winter break we have a great time, because it's just them, me and the snow around our cabin. The thing is, as I grew up, I started needing them even more. I didn't need only the free leway they gave me all the time, I needed some console, someone who knows best and that could help me. My parents would never be those people but at least I thought they were trying to be more caring.

"Maybe... ugh I don't know" I cried out as my growing frustration took over me. Why was it so hard? I didn't want things to change but at the same time things sucked right now.

"I think the best thing you can do is talk to him. He's always been there for you, and I'm sure he'll understand you if you tell him how you feel about this" Jason said both logic and reason on his side, but his suggestion made my eyes pop open as I remembered something. "What?" he asked when he saw how my body language shifted abruptly from calmed to fucking freaking out.

"It might be a little too late for that" I said bitting down on my slightly reddened lip as my heart started beating really fast. God, what had I done?

"Oh no. What did you do?" Jason said with a groan, knowingly I had probably dug my own grave. As a matter of fact I did.

"My dad asked if I wanted to join them at dinner and I said I had to stay late at practice today... and I don't" I said with a deep sigh as I abandoned the safety of my boyfriend's embrace to place my hands on each side of my head, squeezing it lightly to see if I could find the answer of why would I do such a stupid thing.

"Um, ok. Well I don't see how he's gonna find out about that so no worries" Jason said after giving my actions a good thought. Normally that'd be the case, but I had made an effort to ensure this would get to my teacher's ears.

"I made sure that he'll find out. I did it on purpose!" I said as frustration escalated with my high pitch. "I told him that if he had a fucking problem with that he should check with my coaches. And he will, and they will tell Paul. I know them that much" I finished talking with a growl. Why did I have to be so good at making plans? There was no chance that'd fail.

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