Chapter 16: Taking responsability

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That morning when I put a foot inside school grounds, I knew something was up. Whispering everywhere, fear, shock, commotion looks all through the hallways. There were news flying in the air that I hadn't gotten, and no matter how much I asked nobody wanted to talk about it.

"Hey. Do any of you know what's going on?" I asked my girls when I spotted them on their lockers, also whispering around and wearing faces that showed just how concerned they were.

"There are some rumors the Principal modificated the discipline system" Jazz said as she eyed my reaction while folding her arms on her chest.

"W-what does that mean? No more tutors?" I said fearing for a moment they were going to take me away from Paul.

"We don't know. We have a conference in the auditorium first thing in the morning. Come on" Valerie gulped before interlocking her arms with mine. Jazz immediately did the same and together we walked with the rest of the students to the auditorium.

I tried to think maybe it wasn't something so bad. Maybe they'd finally eliminate spankings. Oh my god, please! Let it be it.

Unfortunately that was a useless wish. Once the Principal commenced her speech I knew things were about to go south. She basically quoted other foreign institution that had adjusted their discipline system and had improved the behavior of their students. I don't know why, but when she mentioned this she looked straight at me. Jesus, this can't be my fault.

"Therefore we believe it's necessary for regular teachers during class to be able to give use to the discipline resources this school offers" she continued but I didn't hear anything after that.

Now wait a minute. Did that mean... that teachers can spank us?? In CLASS? Oh my fucking God! It was like being in a XVI century! This was madness. Yup, it was definitely madness. What would be of me? I basically break the rules every single class I go to. Am I really gonna get a spanking on each one?? Plus Paul rage at the end of the day. I won't make it alive. I'm moving out of the country.

"Jessie breath. It's ok, we'll figure it out" Jazz said calmly to my ear and threw a comforting arm around my shoulders to stop my shivering. This was my worst nightmare.

Fortunately, we quickly learnt that we weren't the only ones that didn't agree with this new policy. Most of the other teachers expressed (directly or indirectly) their rejection for these new methods so life almost continued with normality. Almost.

A few weeks ago, Mr. Tuckerman the maths teacher had suffered an injury in his knee, so he couldn't come to work. Instead Mr. Sniders was teaching all his classes, a lame substitute teacher that had left clear he had no sympathy for him since day 1. And well, we neither. It had been a constant fight with Paul because I didn't mind my manners around the new teacher, but since he didn't feel much sympathy for him either, he had let it slide so far.

Little did I know this new teacher would be the sparkle that light up the flames of disaster.

That day my friend Carton chose the wrong place and the wrong time to make one of his jokes. That usually is the case, but now with the new policy we were in danger. Nothing had happened for a couple days, so we assumed this would eventually be forgotten. Until that moment.

"So now we have to clear the X from the equation" Mr. Sniders was saying while we tried to follow him on our notebooks but it was almost impossible. At some point we got lost so we just pretended to write.

"Matt look. I cleared off all of my X's" Carton said showing him with the equation with some blurry stains were the X's had been written. Gosh now that was a bad joke.

"Jamie will be happy you erased your X's" Matt laughed as said person blushed and hid behind his notes. Only Jamie could be following Mr. Sniders at this point.

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