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As soon as the final bell rang, I hightailed it out of the school.

      The lessons were boring, the teachers were boring, the students were boring, and I needed to get high just to endure another minute of it. My first instinct was to flee as fast as I could, but then I remembered my very own personal cheerleading chaperone.



      Speak of the devil.

      Cameron found me in the middle of the hall as I was en route to the nearest exit.

      As much as I wanted to pick up speed, I didn't.

      "There you are!" Cameron came around me and planted herself in front of me with this huge high-spirited smile.

      I tried to match her upbeat persona, but I was sure my smile came out lopsided and as though I were constipated. "Here I am."

      "My dad just texted me, he's on his way," Cameron informed me. "Let's go wait out front, you can tell me all about your day."

      The crazy thing was, I could tell she actually was interested in hearing about my first day and how I enjoyed the school or not.

      Little Miss Peppy would take some getting used to.

      At my old school, I would've ditched Cameron by now, or at least made her hate me with a few choice words, but something about this move had me feeling a bit nice. Hell, there was something about Cameron that made me feel like a total dick when I used sarcasm. She was like a puppy, a blonde, happy puppy that you just couldn't kick.

      I followed her out of the school and with the flow of traffic to meet her father at the carpool lane.

      "So, how was it?" Cameron chirped up. That damn smile had to be infectious for most.

      "Oh it was just grand," I let out.

      Cameron chuckled. "Okay, I know it's not the fabulous Californ-I-A, but come on, it's not that bad. Hey, maybe I could show—"

      Her statement was interrupted by the arrival of a girl practically appearing out of nowhere.

      "What up, Pumpkin Spice Latte!" The girl enthused.

      "What up, Caramel Frapp!" Cameron responded.

      What was this? "Wait, what?"

      Cameron faced me. "We're kidding. Those are our fave Starbucks drinks. Once we know yours, we'll loop you in."

      Not happening.

      The girl, a bubbly Latina I recognized from class, peeked in my direction. "New girl, right? Navy is it?"

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