A Stranger's Umbrella

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Prompt #23: You are walking outside when it begins to rain. A stranger offers you their umbrella.

Matsu: Karamatsu Matsuno

Gender: neutral


It was raining, and not just any kind of rain either, it was hailing little bits and pieces of ice. 


Yeah, this is what they would call hail. 

"Good luck," (y/n)'s coworker muttered, patting his shoulder sympathetically as the two gazed up at the clouded, grey skies. "But look on the bright side! Walking is better than getting into an accident." He laughed when (y/n) just smacked his hand away and scoffed under their breath. Working as a bartender at a club had its perks, sure, but nothing sucked more than cleaning and locking up the place only to be stuck out in the rain. It didn't look like it would let up anytime soon, and they had arrived on a motorcycle, now they'd have to return tomorrow to retrieve it since riding it in this weather was a big no-no.

Heaving a sigh, (y/n) turned to their coworker with a small, weary smile. "Any chance you could give me a lift?" They asked, knowing the answer already. Their coworker went the other way, and taking them all the way to the bus stop and doing a complete turn around would be a waste since it was a one way road for miles and a turn didn't appeared until hours into the drive. The last thing (y/n) wanted was to put their friend through all of that, especially since said friend had a girlfriend and a newborn waiting for him back home. "Never mind." (Y/n) mumbled, waving to their friend who apologized profoundly for leaving them behind. It wasn't long until they were alone, watching as their coworker drove off in the safety of their car. Checking their watch, (y/n) let out a small groan. It was getting late, and they still had to finish up some assignments for their professors, do their laundry and get some much needed rest.

Turning their head, they groaned at the sight of their motorcycle, nicely covered in a dark blue plastic that was originally for the sun, but it protected it from the hail. "I'm so sorry." (Y/n) whispered under their breath, before making a quick run down the streets.

(Y/n)'s parents had told them to buy something other than a motorcycle, but how could they refuse?

The bike had been calling out to them, begging to be taken home. (Y/n) rode it to work, to school and even on the weekends when there wasn't much to do. There was just something free about riding one, feeling the air rush through while passing everyone by. No one will ever understand that feeling, not that it mattered anyways since (y/n) will never allow anyone to touch their precious bike.

Huffing and panting, the university student stopped and rushed towards a nearby tree to seek temporary shelter, cursing under their breath as they almost slipped on the wet ground. It had begun to hail a little harder, and they were already soaked from head to toe when they barely even made it away from the club.

The minutes ticked away as (y/n) tried to think of a way to make it without slipping and falling, the last thing they needed was a broken arm or two thanks to the rain. Being so caught up in their thoughts, they failed to hear the footsteps and the soft humming that made its way towards them. It wasn't until something sparkling and blue caught their attention, causing them to turn and raise a brow in confusion. There walked a man holding a dark blue umbrella. He had a Beatles' haircut, dark sunglasses and a nice leather jacket, accompanied by those sparkling blue pants. '

Well, I shouldn't judge,' they thought, sniffing as they shivered due to a cold breeze that blew by. 'He seems happy with his fashion so it's fine, to each his own.' It wasn't long until the rain began to let up a little, but the wind had begun to pick up, making it a little hard to withstand.

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