Taxi Cabs and Late Night Chats

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Prompt #59: You hail a taxi but it doesn't stop. After several taxis do the same you give up and begin to walk.

Matsu: Osomatsu Matsuno

Gender: Neutral


If you could punch anyone in the world, who would you punch? Anyone, be it your sibling, family or enemy, who would you punch? For (y/n), it'd be the taxi driver that passed them and completely ignored their existence. Seriously! Were they invisible? Why was no one stopping? They knew the taxi was empty, they had the little light on and everything, so why were they being ignored?

Lifting their hand, (y/n) decided to try again, maybe this time they'll get notice. But just like before, the cab just passed them by and drove straight off. They had just gotten out of work and wanted to go home to sleep and finish their assignments, but they couldn't do that if the cabs were all ignoring them! Growling under their breath, (y/n) decided to say screw it and just walk home. Sure it was a long walk, but they knew they'd get home faster by walking than standing around hoping to get noticed.

Heaving a sigh, the young university student walked with their hands shoved into their jean pockets. Out of all days, why did it have to be today? They had so much to do, and now they couldn't do any of that thanks to the cabs and their drivers acting like jerks. While walking, a delicious scent made it to their nose, causing them to drool a bit. They hadn't really eaten much at work that day, and a good, warm meal would make their already crappy night a little better.

It wasn't long until a small, oden stand made it into their vision. From the looks of it, it seemed empty. Did it just open, or was no one in the mood for oden? Not really caring, the young university student made their way towards the stand with a small smile on their face.

"My oden is the best in the world!" The stand owner sang, all the while chopping up some more ingredients to throw into the broth. 

"Uh, excuse me?" (Y/n) began, popping their heads from the corner to glance at the owner. "Hello, is this stand open?" They wanted to make sure, it would be a shame if they were mistaken. Taken by surprise at the sight of new customer, the stand owner broke out into a bright smile and began to welcome them. 

"I'm open! Sit down and have a taste of the best oden in the world!" He exclaimed, watching as his new customer sat themselves down with a bright smile. (Y/n) took in the delicious scent, already feeling their stomach growl as they ordered and waited patiently for their meal. They had a little money in their pockets to spare, so a small meal wouldn't really cost them much.

As they ate their oden, complimenting the owner on the delicious meal, they heard footsteps make their way to the stand. It wasn't long until the owner had another customer, but (y/n) didn't pay much attention as they were too busy eating. "Yo Chibita!" A new voice called out, nearly causing (y/n) to jump in their seat in surprise. "Get me the usual!" He announced, sitting down next to the university student. Chibita just grumbled under his breath as he prepared the man with his order. 

"I only serve oden you idiot, damn it."

It wasn't long until the man noticed (y/n) sitting next to him. He just smirked and turned to them, as Chibita handed him his meal. "New here huh? The oden's great isn't it?" He asked, as though trying to start a conversation. Not that (y/n) minded, they could use a good chat. Turing to him, they sent him a nod in agreement. 

"It's pretty good, would be better with some beer thought." This seemed to please the man, for he smiled widely and nodded.

"Yup!" He exclaimed, before banging his open palm onto the stand and demanding some beers to drink. (Y/n) had a feeling the man liked drinking, he did sort of smell like beer and food. Chibita was reluctant to put the beer down in front of the man, but did it anyways, grumbling something about having him pay his tab that night. "Cheers!" The man announced, as he and (y/n) bumped glasses and drank away. It was refreshing and almost made them forget why they had been there in the first place.


Putting the now empty beer glass down, the man let out a deep sigh in satisfaction, taking a bite of his meal before turning back to the person next to him. "So! What beings you here tonight? Lost your job? Got dumped? Rejected? Cheated on? Or maybe, you're the one who cheated?"

'Why would he assume those things?' (Y/n) thought, chewing their food thoroughly before swallowing. 'Do I look like the type to get dumped or cheat?' Turning to him, (y/n) shook their head before explaining. They explained the tiring day at work, and the fact that the taxi men and women were ignoring them completely. They were shocked that the man actually listened to their every word, before letting out a laugh.

His laughter confused the university student, was their situation really that funny? They just sat there in confusion, waiting for the man to stop laughing. After a few more minutes, the man stopped and turned to them with a small smile.

"Well of course they're not going to stop for you!" He suddenly began. "You were standing in that meet up spot were the gangsters and Yankees hang around! They don't want to pick you up in case it was an ambush!" Hearing this, all (y/n) could do was face palm. It's been so long since they have taken a taxi that they completely forgot about that spot. They must have been really tired to forget, but then again if it hadn't been for their fatigue, they never would have gotten the chance to eat oden and meet someone like this guy. 

"Damn, that explains it." They muttered, letting out a chuckle when the man let out another laugh. It wasn't long until the man stuck out their hand, smirking at (y/n) before introducing himself. 

"Matsuno Osomatsu, nice to meet you." (Y/n) smiled back and took Osomatsu's hand in their own, giving it a swift shake. 

"I'm (l/n) (y/n), nice to meet you." Osomatsu just snickered and rubbed under his nose with his index finger, before turning to Chibita and lifting his empty beer glass. "Chibita! Another round!"

(Y/n) just laughed and did the same, thanking Chibita for the beer before chatting and laughing with Osomatsu, enjoying their time there.

Maybe not getting a taxi was a good thing, making friends with Osomatsu San was awesome and it made their night better than it had been in the beginning.


A/N: I have no idea what I just wrote, but at least I tried. Sorry. Have I mentioned how much I love Osomatsu? Because I do, I love that cheeky bastard.

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