Library Lock-In?

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Prompt #70: You go to the library and accidentally get locked inside overnight.

Matsu: Jyushimatsu Matsuno

Gender: Neutral


You know that sad moment when you're just so tired, you fall asleep anywhere? Those were great, right? Nothing like a good nap to help you better function when you wake up, right?

Well at times like this, a nap is the last thing (y/n) wanted.

"Oh no..." (Y/n) muttered, trying to get the doors to open and failing miserably. (Y/n) was what you would call a bookworm, someone who loved to read for hours on end and get sucked into whatever book they held at the time. Now that exams were coming up, (y/n) had decided to start cramming it and study nonstop in order to get that perfect score, but studying for hours on end and falling asleep at the library was not what they had planned. 'Now what?' They thought, looking around the room. The lights were dim, and some were turned off, giving their once beloved book paradise an eerie feel to it.

"I read a book about this once..." They mumbled, backing away from the locked entrance and glancing around the room once more. "The protagonist gets locked in a library at night, alone with nothing else to do... Until they hear a bump-"

Right as they had said that, a small bump was heard, causing them to jump and turn to the source of the sound. It came from the end of one of the book stands, it almost sounded like someone had smacked the stand with their arm or hand. "They back away from the sound and bump into a table," (y/n) began to back away from the sound until their backside bumped into the table they had been studying and napping on just moments ago. "But as they moved the bumps seemed to grow louder and louder..." The noises grew louder and louder. "And closer and closer..." The noises grew closer and closer to where they where, causing (y/n)'s heart to beat in their chest loudly, both out of fear and excitement. Were they reliving what the protagonist in their book went through? That both enhances the experience and ruins the story. 

"...And before they knew it, they were attacked by a GIANT WOLF!" Just as they finished, something jumped out of the bookshelves, a large, wide mouth made its way towards them. (Y/n) let out a scream, covering their face to avoid getting ripped to shreds. 

But it never happened.

"Wow! That was a great story!"

The sudden voice was unexpected, causing (y/n) to move their hands from their face in order to stare at the person before them in confusion. There stood a man with a bright smile on his face, bright yellow hoodie and a Beatles' haircut. This was what (y/n) least expected.

"Oh..." (Y/n) muttered, turning their head to the side in confusion. "I thought you were a wolf or something... Didn't think someone else was locked in here with me."

The man made a strange, shocked face. "We're locked in?!" He suddenly exclaimed, causing the university student to nod at him slowly in response. He didn't notice? 

"You... Didn't notice everyone leaving or the locked doors?" (Y/n) asked, raising a brow when the man in the yellow hood began to shaken his head rapidly. "What were you doing all this time?" They couldn't help but be curious, it was in their nature to ask questions. Knowledge to them meant a lot, they loved to learn and teach to things to everyone, that's why they were studying to be a university professor.

The man didn't say anything, instead, he lifted a fairly large book up to show the university student. Leaning in, (y/n) read the words with a look of surprise crossing their face. "The Baseball Hall of Fame?" They muttered, turning to the man with a small smile. "You like baseball?"

The man's smile seemed to glow as he nodded his head rapidly. "I love baseball! Hustle hustle! Muscle muscle!" He began to chant, moving his arms around with the book still in hand. Seeing his happy attitude caused (y/n) to smile, feeling a little better about being locked in a library. Better with someone who was happy and practically glowed than be by themselves. 

"Can I read it with you?" They asked, in all honesty they were just as intrigued about what the book had to teach as they was about this strange man. Turning his head, the man nodded his head rapidly once more, before plopping himself down onto the floor and opening the book. 

"Let's read!" He exclaimed, causing (y/n) to let out a small laugh. Already used to sitting on the ground and being in strange positions while they read, (y/n) plopped himself next to the man and extended their hand. 

"I'm (l/n) (y/n) by the way." They introduced themselves, surprised by the sudden hand that grabbed his and began to rapidly shake them.

"Matsuno Jyushimatsu!" He exclaimed, his smile never wavering as the university student let out another laugh.

Maybe being locked inside of a library was a good thing. I mean, they met Jyushimatsu San, didn't they?


A/N: Yes, I know I messed up Jyushimatsu's character, I'm sorry. I tried okay? Jyushi is precious, we must protect him for eternity.

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