Chapter 4 {Redone}

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The rest of the ride went by smoothly, pulling up to the large estate, it was really beautiful. The forest was apart of this pack. Trees all over the place with gravel roads covering them. Really a down to Earth feeling.

"Hannah?" A woman calls from the front porch swing.

"Hi yes, you must be Betty," I smile as I drag my suit case out of the car and make my way to the older woman. Her grey hair pinned back in a messy bun as its decorated with pink flowers to patch her flowery dress.

"Oh Hannah! You've grown up so much!" She crashes into me as I finally make my way up to the porch. "I haven't seen you since your mother- wow, you look SO much like her!"

"Thanks," I smile, "I honestly love hearing that. I miss her so much."

"Oh," she wipes a few tears away, and takes my things, "come in, come in. My husbands in here somewhere. John! She's here!" she calls out, "make yourself comfortable dear, the living rooms to your left. I know some pack houses can be a nightmare to navigate though, but my son Jackson should be around here to help you."

Jackson? I haven't heard that name in so long....My heart starts to race, It can't be him. He can't be related to this pack.

Fuck! He never told me what pack he was from!

"Dear are you alright?" Betty looks at me, she can sense I got super tense for some reason.

"What? Oh I'm fine, having an inner fight with my wolf to keep from shifting, she wants to roam this place." Lies, I think to myself.

My wolf actually wants to get out of here as soon as possible. She's anxious for me to leave, saving us from the embarrassment and heartache of seeing him again..

"Hunny?" A man calls from the stairs upstairs, "Oh there you are!" He comes down, "You most be Hannah, wow. You've grown into a beautiful woman." He opens his arms for me to hug, its funny how they remember me, but even though I was 11 last time I saw them, I hardly even remember them. The last few years has me aged 40 years, I swear. "Come, come, you must be hungry! We'll talk business later, for now lets relax!"

He ushers me to the huge dining room thats attached to a even bigger kitchen, "I won't talk business until tomorrow, but Alpha-"

"Please call me John, I used to change your diapers sweetheart."

Well, that got awkward.."I was at a diner before coming in and an elderly women talked about wolves," he stops moving, "rather large wolves that apparently her husband saw before he died."

He goes quiet, I'm sure to mind link his warriors, "I'll take care of it. That woman always talks about these apparent wolves her husband saw. Which he did," he stops to usher me into a chair around a large dinning room table, "but it was a normal wolf. Not one of us. He's just on the rather large side. Probably an alpha." he shrugs as Betty puts a beer in front of him. "Want one?" she calls out to me as she makes she grabs more drinks.

"If you insist, one can't simply say no to a beer after a long day on the road." I say trying to make a joke but the room was quiet, "it was a joke guys, cmon!"

"You have your fathers sense of humor, dry as all get out." John laughs as he takes another sip of his beer, "I told everyone lunch is ready so they should be down here any moment now."

And just then I hear yelling outside of the kitchen doorway, two guys walk in, and they're twins! Oh my god! I've never actually seen twins before!

"Tony, I'm telling you man I had no idea you've been talking to her! Maybe she got confused with whose who..She did seem pretty excited to see me. I just thought my good looks did that to her." Twin 1 said.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2016 ⏰

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