10: Boys are Complicated

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"How do you know?"

"Some of my guys were watching your house and they saw him," he breathed. He still looked pissed but at least he wasn't punching things.

"Do we have to stay here?" I squeaked. Weston just laughed and stroked my cheek with his thumb.

"No one will bother you baby, I promise." I nodded and we went back inside. No one really seemed to notice or care that we came back in. Except Kelsey, who was working out.

"Back so soon?" she laughed. Weston glared at her but pulled me past her and upstairs. His room was at the end of the hallway, and consisted of a bed and a small desk. He gave me a blanket and left. Well what I supposed to do now? I played for a while on my phone until it died then I decided to look for Weston. I heard loud yelling and laughing coming from the bar, and I rolled my eyes as I heard a familiar laugh above the rest. I pushed through the crowd of people and sighed when I saw Weston doing shots at the bar and people around him cheering him on. His bloodshot eyes met mine and he grinned.

"Hey Liv! Want to join me?" he slurred. Everyone looked at me but I shook my head.

"Weston should you really be drinking?" I sighed. His eyes narrowed.

"I can drink when I want Olivia. Don't be so uptight all the time."

"I'm not being uptight!" I defended. He stumbled closer and clenched his fists.

"Maybe if you drank more you wouldn't be such a bitch," he said coldly. I closed my eyes and turned away from him. I really didn't feel like having a fight with a drunk teenage boy in front of all his friends right now. He grabbed my wrist and spun me around.

"Don't you walk away from me!" he shouted.

"Let go of me Weston," I warned. His hand dropped my wrist but he stood in front of the exit.

"Get out of my way."



"Nope." I rolled my eyes.

"Why are you such a dick when you drink?"

"I'm not being a dick, you're just being difficult, as always," he spat.

"I'm not arguing with you right now Weston. Move," I commanded. He let me pass and I walked as fast I could back to Weston's room. Suddenly a large figure loomed in front of me and grinned. My heart dropped once u realized who it was: the boy from earlier, still holding a rag to his bloody nose.

"Lost sweetheart?" he chuckled. A door next to me swung open, a shirtless Zach leaned in the doorway.

"Fuck off Sam, unless you want to deal with Weston again."

Sam let out a deep breath and rolled his eyes, shoving me slightly as he walked on.

"Thanks," I said quietly. Zach smiled and shrugged.

"Don't mention it. But it may not be the best idea to be wandering the halls after dark Olivia."

"Yeah I know. I was trying to find Weston's room," I said quickly. He raised his eyebrows.

"Is he in there?"

"No, he's um..." I trailed off. He smiled again.

"I see. Well," he scratched the back of his neck, "you can't stay in there alone."

"Why not?"

"Because most of the doors here don't lock and you're in a house full of guys."

"Oh," I said quietly.

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