19: Acceptance

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"What the fuck are you doing here Connor?" Weston asked angrily.

"I didn't know it was illegal to go to the mall Weston," Connor replied innocently. He was tall and skinny, with black hair that was cut close to his head. His features were sharp and his eyes were cold. I clutched Weston's arm, which must have reminded him that I was there because he looked back at me with an apologetic look on his eyes.

"Did he touch you?" he murmured. I shook my head and he visibly relaxed.

"What are you going to do Weston? You can't cause a scene in the middle of the mall," Connor smirked.

"I can do whatever the fuck I want."

"Wes, he's right, let's just go," I said gently. Weston seemed torn but finally nodded and walked away from the frightening figure staring after us.


I didn't feel right leaving that prick standing in the mall where he could run wild but Liv was terrified. She just had to play Nelson Mandela and be the fucking peace maker all the time. It had been forever since I'd punched something and I had a feeling it would be a while before I got to again. She was silent that whole way home so I didn't try to start a conversation either. Sometimes she was just so fucking overdramatic but heaven forbid I should say anything or it would be World War 3. I even listened to her shitty Indie music but she still wouldn't say anything. When we got home, she jumped from the car and walked inside before I could even open my door. Before I followed her inside, I got her mail and flipped through it.

"Liv, I got your mail," I called out, closing the door behind me. She looked at me but didn't say anything,

"There's something from Stanford," I added. Her eyes widened as she snatched it away and tore it open. Her hand went to her mouth and the most beautiful smile I've ever seen spread over her face.

"I got in. Oh my god, I got in!" she squealed. I laughed as she ran into my arms and jumped up and down.

"Congratulations Liv," I said quietly. Her smile almost blinded me when her eyes met mine.

"I need to call my parents and Lauren," she said suddenly. I waited forever before she finally returned to the kitchen and grabbed an apple.

"Have you applied to any colleges yet Wes?"

"A few," I shrugged. I recognized curiosity as it flashed across her face but she quickly turned it into a smile.

"Have you gotten any acceptance letters yet?"

"None so far." I winked at her and she just smiled.

"I'm sure you'll get into all of them," she declared. I followed her into the living room and sat next to her on the couch.


Weston was definitely being weird about the whole college thing. I swear I saw something flash across his face when I told him I got in; it almost looked like concern or worry. But I decided not to press it since he was in a good mood.

"Zach and Lauren got in a fight a few nights ago," he said flatly. I frowned and looked up at him.

"About what?"

"No idea. But I heard them yelling from my room so I left and stayed at the shed that night."

"I wonder why she didn't tell me," I mumbled. We hadn't exactly had time to hang out and chat since she had been hanging out with Zach so much lately. Weston shrugged beside me and looked back at the TV.

"Where do you want to go?" I asked lightly.

"I don't know Olivia, can we just drop it please?"

"Okay, sorry. You don't have to be such a dick about it."

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