57: Stay

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When we walked downstairs, my mom and dad were sitting on the couch watching a documentary about the growing obesity rate. Fascinating right? But Weston pulled me onto the couch next to him and covered us in a blanket, much to my protest of course. And the whole time I was being tortured by this documentary, he was stroking my hair and rubbing small circles on my stomach with his fingertips.

"So am I supposed to sleep here or what?" he chuckled into my ear so only I could hear it.

"I don't know actually," I smiled. When I looked over at my parents, my mother was asleep and my father looked close. "Just go up to my room and wait in my bathroom. I'll tell them you left and they'll go to bed."

"How many times have you done this?" he murmured. I shifted a little off his chest and tried to stand but he pulled me back between his legs and stared up at me. "Just forget it. I'll be upstairs then."

I sat back down until my parents woke up, then told them my lie and joined Weston upstairs. But he was angry again, as always.

"Wes are you using the bathroom or should I turn the light off?" It was a simple question, but apparently he was ignoring me for the same reason he always was.

"Are you seriously ignoring me?" I asked incredulously. He just looked at me for a second, then turned his attention back on whatever football game was on.

"Weston," I repeated as I struggled to keep my anger down so my parents wouldn't hear us.

"What?" he answered lazily. It was like he was completely uninterested, like he'd rather be a million other places besides here with me.

"Forget it," I recycled his earlier words and I saw anger flash across his face but he replaced it with amusement as I grabbed my pillow and threw it on the floor, followed by a blanket and another pillow.

"What are you doing?"

"What does it look like?" I snapped. "I'm clearly baking a cake here."

"Are you sleeping on the floor?"

"What is your sudden fascination with stupid questions?" I sighed, flipping off the light and laying down on my makeshift bed. I heard him rustle around then felt his arms wrap around my waist.


"I'm not doing this Weston," I pushed him away slightly but he frowned and pulled me back. "I always forgive you and we have sex, or we cuddle, and that's not healthy. I'm mad at you right now so get back in my bed or I will."

"Kiss me and tell me that again afterwards."

"What, no!"

"Just kiss me Liv, if you're so sure that you want to be angry at me tonight."

"I'm not kissing you."

"It's just a kiss, quit being such a hard ass baby."

"Don't 'baby' me," I grumbled, turning to face the wall. After a few minutes of quiet, I felt his hand on my back, gently rubbing up and down and sliding my shirt off my shoulder. "Stop it Weston, I'm serious."

"I'm not doing anything," he whispered against my now-bare shoulder. "Just relax."

"I'm getting in my bed now," I announced, pulling away quickly. "And if you follow me I swear I will scream so loud your ears will burst."

"Olivia, come on," he said into the darkness. It was quiet and soft, but held a certain degree of urgency that made my heart break a little. "I'm your boyfriend and I should be sleeping with you right now."


"I want to sleep alone," she answered into the pitch black. I wanted so bad to be in between her legs right now, hearing her say my name over and over until finally she begged for it. Begged for me. But I would settle for holding her, I would settle for anything really.

"Really? You want to sleep alone?"

"Yes," she replied slowly. I could just hear her thinking about it and I couldn't help but laugh at the thought that maybe she was thinking about me fucking her just like I was.

"Why are you laughing at me?" she whined softly. The sound of her gentle voice made me want her so bad it physically hurt me. I hadn't her, really had her, in forever and I needed her right now. But she didn't want me like I wanted her so I would wait until she did.

"I'm not laughing at you babe, I swear," I chuckled. "Just a funny thought."

"Tell me."

"It's nothing Olivia."


"I was just wondering if you ever thought about, you know...us."

"You want to know if I think about sex with you, is that right?"


"No," she snapped and I heard a rustle like she was turning over away from me. I was losing her and I couldn't lose her again, not for what felt like the thousandth time.

"Olivia, I'm sorry for being angry okay? Can you please stop being so touchy? I drove all the fucking way down here for you and I just want to sleep with you. Please."

It was silent for a few minutes and I thought maybe she fell asleep, or maybe she was just pissed at me. But then she sighed and I grinned into the dark.

"I forgive you but you can't sleep with me tonight because I don't wan't to have sex right now."

"Is it really that bad?" I chuckled, knowing it would embarass her and turn her adorable little cheeks pink.

"No!" she said quickly. "That's not what I meant!"

"I know baby," I laughed. "I'm just messing with you."

"Well don't do that," she mumbled. "It's not funny."

"I thought it was," I smirked.

"Goodnight Weston," she said over my laughter.

"Night Liv," I chuckled, hoping she would dream about me like I was thinking about her.


lol please vote guys! It means so much to me!

And if you guys could give my other story, sheets, a chance it would be so great! Thanks!

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