44: Resolve

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"Olivia," Weston's raspy voice woke me and I turned to face him.


"Get up and put on some clothes."

"Why?" I mumbled angrily. I loved sleep and right now he was the one keeping it from me.

"Just put some shorts okay? I'll be right back," he called as he stepped out of the room and shut the door behind him. I could hear the faint pounding of music from the other side of the door so being the curious person I am, I peeked out to see what was going on. Apparently there was a party, judging from the red cups everywhere and girls wearing dresses that looked a size too small.

"Well who is this?" a familiar face slurred, stepping towards me and pulling the door open.

I blinked and Greg grinned wickedly down at me. In a swift motion, he yanked me into his chest and forced his lips to mine. No matter how hard I tried, he was stronger and I couldn't move. I managed to pull away slightly and slap him hard across the cheek, which stunned him a little.

"What the f.uck is going on here?" Weston hissed, looking down to where Greg's hands had a tight grip on my wrists.

"Your girlfriend came onto me," Greg muttered as he stepped away slowly. "But I told her no."

"No I didn't!" I protested angrily. "You came onto me!"

"This is your fault?" Weston asked in a low voice. Before I could say anything, Weston took a step forward and hit Greg in the stomach, hard.

"She said she wanted me," he gasped as he steadied himself on the door frame. "It's not my fault your girlfriend is a whore."

"Shut the f.uck up," Weston spat. His eyes softened as he looked back at me and reached for me.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," I mumbled with a yawn. I was tired, and I could feel a headache coming on from the music that was blaring around me.

"I'll take you home, baby," he said quietly. I nodded and pulled on some shorts while he grabbed my bag.

"Stay close okay?"


Weston guided me downstairs and out to his car, which was parked behind the frat house in a small gravel parking lot.

The only thing that told me he wasn't angry was the fact that he laced his fingers with mine and held my hand the entire way back to my apartment.

"Stay with me tonight," I pleaded softly, looking down at our hands as we stood at my door.

"I can't Liv, I have to get back," he said gently. I nodded and he raked his fingers through his hair as I unlocked the door.

"Babe, wait," he sighed as I was about to shut the door. "Come here."

I walked into his outstretched arms and pressed my lips to his softly. It felt like something had been separating us the past few days- whether it was a little girl or a drunk guy, and now it disappeared as his lips moved in perfect sync with mine. All walls were stripped away and every barrier was broken as we stumbled inside and he pressed my back to the wall.

A second later his lips connected with my neck and I lost myself under his tongue and his rough hands that now roamed my back. They finally settled just above my butt as he pulled back and pressed his forehead to mine.

"What happened back there, Liv? I told you to stay in the room." Despite his accusing words, his voice was soft and apologetic.

"Well I didn't know there was a party so I was going to look for you but then Greg came in and he kissed me and-"

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