Author's Note

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This story isn't meant to offend anyone in any way. It just came to me one day when I read an article about a woman who abused her own child to death.

It isn't always easy to stand up to someone who wields power over you. It isn't always easy to keep courage, to stay strong. And it sure as hell isn't easy to forget and move on.

We, who have never experienced such a thing can speak all we like about what the person in question could and should have done. We can draw conclusions all we want, but in truth, we have no idea what sort of fear the person has harboured in their past.

This was my take on the subject. This story was not meant to entertain. I hope you understood the message.

Domestic violence is not a joke.
Be kind to everyone you meet.
Pray for those who need it.
Help out when you can.


100K on 5/3/17

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