July 08 2014

9 0 0

New York, New York-

       Karie stood at the crosswalk, a snowflake falling onto her thin eyelashes. The beeping from the crosswalk, the car horns, the police sirens. Everything making an impact in her life. Karie quickly made her way across the crosswalk, the music playing quietly in her ears, barely audible. Little did Karie know, today would change her life forever. Karie walked around the large city, keeping to herself. Her skin brushing up against the strangers, her cold body touching the warm bodies along the sidewalk. Soon after the next song started she got a call. "Theo. Great." she whispered, shaking her head. Theo Green, the man Karie believed to be the love of her life. Theo was Australian, he had beautiful brunette hair and gorgeous green eyes. Teeth that filled a smile, one that could make the whole room light up. Karie was madly in love with him. Theo even held a tattoo of Karie's name on his forearm. The young girl knew he wasn't the one, deep down she always knew. He couldn't love her like she loved him. 

"Hey babe!" she faked a smile through her gritted teeth, "What's up?". Karie forced an enthusiastic behavior out of the gloomy one that surfaced. Theo's voice used to make her smile, it used to bring butterflies into her stomach. As of late, it did the opposite for Karie. 

"I'm going to hang out with some lads this weekend." The Australian spoke, Karie leaned against the brick building on the edge of 119th and Brooklyn. Dropping her bag in between her feet she stood still. 

"Sounds fun, anything else?" Karie wanted the conversation over as soon as possible, as terrifying as it was standing in the middle of New York, Karie was exhausted. The long nights of working at the station, trying to solve the case she so badly needed answers for. Nothing. 

"Oh yeah, out of town this weekend." Theo made sure to say, Karie could hear a smirk coming from the other side of the phone. 

"Oh really? Where are we going?" Karie quickly formed a real smile, glad he was making an effort. Karie wasn't afraid, she wasn't waiting for him to hurry off the phone. Suddenly Theo made Karie happy again, the butterflies came to her stomach and she picked up the bag. "Ill rush home, I promise".
"Oh uh, the guys and I. You're staying home." he chuckled, "Sorry." Theo laughed and Karie could hear no remorse in his voice. Her thoughts drifted back to the memories. The nights they would lay and watch T.V. together, watching shows and laughing at each other for silly mistakes. The way he would drink his beer and wrap his arm around Karie as they sat together. He would make her spaghetti. But those memories soon were gone, they fade. 
  Karie rolled her eyes, "Yeah." she nodded. "I have to go, Bye Theo."
Karie put her phone back in her pocket, watching couples and families walking the streets of New York. Many humans walking around, the sounds of sirens. The sweet smell of pretzels, the birds chirping. 

Across the road was the park, kids playing with their parents. Squealing and fussing around, the swings, flowing back and forth. Karie focused on one man, playing with his daughter, running around chasing her. His brunette hair flopped around like a dogs ears when he ran, it reminded her of Matthew Gray Gubler in Criminal Minds. Karie kept it to herself and chuckled quickly. "It's adorable isn't it? I've always wanted to be a dad." a mans voice from above her mumbled, "I'm Boston."

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