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01. Why do you call the volunteers in this campaign "angels"?

The topics and issues we talk about in this group are quite serious and important. But most importantly, every person who approaches us is UNIQUE. Since we deal with people who are unique in their differences, it is only fair that the volunteers who help them, feel different and unique too. Besides, everyone needs a pinch of magic in their lives every now and then.

02. Who can become a guardian angel?

Anyone who has an understanding towards others and not judgemental on any differences, prejudices, but truly wants to see the best in another regardless of gender, sexuality, or race can become an angel with us.. The only restriction that we have is age. Due to some more mature matters, our age requirement is 15+. (In some cases and roles this requirement is not mandatory, please let us know if you do not meet the age criteria but would still like to be a part of our team.)

03. What are the types of Angels?

There are certain classifications of angels within EACH PROJECT that essentially indicate the rank they hold within the team. Every volunteer has different volunteering thresholds ( how much time they can be active, what area they want to work on) and thus these variations have been created to suit most if not all of their requirements. Each individual project will have these kinds of angels in them.

1. Seraphim


2. Cherubim

3. Virtues

4. Thrones

04. How can one become an angel?

There is a process one must complete:

STEP 1: There will be detailed chapters explaining the responsibilities and duties of each type of angel in the following chapters. The chapters will be Project specific. This means the duties for the angel in that specific project will be mentioned in each Project Chapter. You are supposed to comment on the chapter in the format given there and as soon as someone from the team reads it, you will be PM'ed a link to a google form that you must fill and submit. The questions are general ones that will inquire about normal things like your names and in some cases your responses on various situations.

STEP 2: Once you complete and submit that, you will be added to a temporary chat group on hangouts (IT IS ABSOLUTELY MANDATORY YOU HAVE HANGOUTS) where you will have a voice call or video call (only for Seraphims and other leads) interview or interaction.

STEP 3: This will usually happen within a week and after completion of this step, you will be added to the main group and subsequent workgroups on hangouts.

05. Termination of an Angel.

Before termination, you will be advised exactly to the reason why we feel this termination is warranted. You will be given an opportunity to tell your side of the story. The breaking of any of the guidelines, rules or etiquette set forth will be a reason for immediate termination. You may also be banned from any further interaction with the volunteers of "Jotno".

06. Leave of absence of an angel.

At any time if an angel needs some time off from duties they only have to inform. Inform one of us on the expected length of time away and the expected return date. Also, any other pertinent information. If we can be of any help please feel comfortable enough to ask us.

07. Why do we have to wear sashes?

When you become an angel, you are required to wear the sash corresponding to your position here. This helps other WattPaders find out members easily. These are very important to wear.

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