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So, so sorry for being so long!!! I've been busy reading "Witchbones" by AllOfUsWrite. Anyway, here we go!!!


So what were my options? Clearly talking to Anna and Edie was out of the question. I chewed away at my pen lid. Had it been any lesson but German I would having been knitting it off under the table. But it was German, and instead I was  stuck in the front row under Fraud Hewson's watchful eyes, struggling through a worksheet. Honestly,  if I ever see "Wass passt zuzammen" again, I would break my pen. I miss year 7 lessons, when we has Frau Gilbert and I say next to Pankhuri and we drew weird emojis on our vocab tests.
I decided that I need to confirm my suspicions with someone else in the group. Anna and Edie aside, that left Maria, Blessing and Bella. Maria already suspected something so at least I wasn't going completely crazy. But we'd both gone about it in the wrong way and now Anna wouldn't speak to us. Bella? She was the mum in the group, so she would understand when one of her children was upset. And Blessing was the girl to go to about anything.
So either of those two. But how did I tell them? And what if they then became possessed? Would I be signing up for a suicide mission?
I watched the hands on the clock tick slowly round to the end of the lesson. Then I waited another 5 minutes for Frau Hewson to realise it was the end of the lesson. Eventually, we were released and began to make our way to lockers.
"So," Maria said as we fought our way downstairs, "I think we should go to Sea-life in half term. There's a new one open soon."
We all turned round and stared at her.
"Apparently there's a new clown fish display, like Finding Dory themed." she continued.
We blinked. Then, because she clearly wasn't getting it any time soon, I pointed out the obvious.
"Maria, you hate fish."
Someone had to say it.
Maria went a very subtle shade of pink. My eyebrows rose even higher. Maria doesn't blush. "They aren't that bad." she said defensively.
This sounded very fishy coming from a girl who won't go paddling at the beach in case one gets that shallow.
"Well I think it's a good idea," said Blessing, trying to clear the awkwardness. "Bella?"
"OK, I'll do it," she said, shrugging.
"I can't." Anna said, shooting Maria a look that would have turned me to stone. I fiddled uncomfortably with one of my bunches. We stood there for a moment, until Mr Warner suddenly appeared at the top of the stairs and we all hurried down.
It occurred to me, as we barged through the door, that if Maria was now gone then she would have some sort of token like Anna's bangle or Edie's pen. I needed to draw on the power of Speedie and find out.

OK guys so I just saw that this book has made #794 in Fantasy. I know that's a small number but to actually get a number means a lot so thank you all for reading and please keep voting!

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⏰ Última actualización: Nov 08, 2016 ⏰

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