~°Chapter 15 -Saved By My Kidnapper°~

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  I woke up with no chains on, next to Liam, I shrieked. "Shhh princess." He cooed cupping my cheek in his cold, large hand. "Get off me you creep!" I yelled, pushing on his chest. "Shut the hell up!" He whisper yelled.

  I nodded as a stray tear fell down my cheek remembering he had a gun. "What do you want from me?" I asked. "I want you" he whispered in my ear making me shiver, right now I actually missed Tyler, why the hell did I try to escape?!

  Then there was a knock on the front door. "Cmon go sit on the couch princess." Liam said motioning me to come. I got up and followed his to the living room, there house was sorta messy, not as neat as Tyler's. Than i realized I didnt eat, I was starving!! I sat down as he opened the door, the person outside could look in and see me and possibly recognize me and help me I though to myself.

  "Hello sir, I'm looking for my girlfriend her name is Paige and she looks like this" a familiar voice said, I shot my head to the side and saw Tyler, he was looking for me!! A peered over so Tyler would see me. Liam put on a fake smile trying to hide the inside of his house AKA where I was.

  "Um no sir, never seen her. But I'll keep an eye out!" He said eagerly. Tyler finally noticed me, "That's Paige!! Let me in right now sir!" Tyler yelled, he got out a tazer and tazed him, Liam fell to the ground and hit his head, knocking him out almost instantly.

  "Come on let's go babe" Tyler said. I got up, filled with joy and ran to him. "I missed y-you" I said as I burst into tears. "Me too" he said running his hand through my hair, "I'm sorry I escaped, you were way nicer than them." I explained. We walked to his and got in. "Them?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

  "Yeah, there names are Noah and Liam, I found there house while trying to escape, I thought they'd help but they kidnapped me." I explained. "Oh, oh wow, baby sorry that had to happen." He said in shock. "I-I'm kinda hungry, can we eat something please Tyler?" I asked, with a puppy face. "Sure" he said smiling and parking into the parking lot of a Italian place.

  We walk in, it was super fancy but empty! "Hide your face as much as possible or everyone in here dies." he whispered, I put my head down, my brown curls hiding my face, we sat down. "Hi, I'm Samantha, and I'll be your waiter this evening." A woman said approaching our table. "Um I'll have the spaghetti and some water." Tyler mumbled, looking down at the menu.

  "Okay sir, how about you ma'am?" She said smiling. "Um I'll have the pasta and a glass of water please" I said, also looking down trying my best to hide my face. "Okay ma'am, your order will be with you in 20 minutes" Samantha said, walking away awkwardly. "Babe, are you okay? Did they hurt you, physically?" He asked, I shook my head, wanting to forget what happened. Our food came and we ate and talked about random things.

  We got back in his car, "Can I please go home pleaseeeeeeeeee?" I begged. "Baby, don't you love me?" Tyler said grabbing my chin making me face him. "N-not really, I mean you're kinda sweet, but you uh sorta kinda kidnapped me.." I said. "Very true, but think about Liam and Noah, they were gonna torture you and hurt you, I wouldn't do that. Consider yourself lucky" he said, putting on his seatbelt.

  I looked down, it was late and cold, I started shivering. "Aw, are you cold princess?" He cooed, I nodded. He took off his black hoodie, and put it on me. "Thanks" I said smiling. "No problem baby girl" he said rubbing his thumb on my cheek. The drive was long, a felt sleepy, so I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


I hope you guys enjoyed that chapter, pretty exciting huh? I bet Tyler would kill to get Paige. Yeah he would😣😂

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