[5] Firey Forgiveness

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-Addison's POV-

'We're under pressure....

seven billion people in the world trying to fit in...

...keep it together,

smile on your face even th'-

"ugggh" I groaned as I turned off my alarm clock

Sighing I rolled off the bed landing on the floor with a bang.

"owwww" I rubbed my head

I quickly stood up as I heard a sizzling noise from down stairs. I took a deep breath in, through my nose and smelt.....bacon!? I quickly changed my clothes and fixed my hair. Running down my stairs I saw Harry making eggs and bacon. I felt my mouth water.

"Harry what are you doing here!?" I snapped not tearing my eyes off the food

He chuckled as I drooled over the food.

"I'm making you an apology breakfast!" He grinned

I stood there dumbfounded

"How did you get in my house?" I asked nicely

He smirked and held up my house keys.

"W-wha- How!?" I asked completely shocked yet terrified

He shrugged and went back to cooking.

Glaring, I walked over to the fridge and grabbed the Orange juice and a cup. Harry came up behind me and snuggled me into his chest.

"uhhhhh" I said awkwardly

"I'm sorry Addison. I'm sorry I bullied you. I swear this isn't a joke. I swear this isn't out of pitty. I'm honestly, one-hundred-percent sorry. Please believe me. I will do anything!" He snuggled me tighter and tighter

"Ha-arr-y... ca-an-'t ...bre-ea-athe..." I choked out

"Sorry, but please forgive me, I'll do anything. How many times do I have to say it? 10? 50? 100? I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm-

-Ok ok stop!" I covered my hand over his mouth

"okay" He spoke waiting for me to talk

"Okay, I'll forgive you Harry. But you must promise me something"

I looked up at him

"Anything" He smiled lightly

"You promise to always be my friend? And if, IF we fall in 'love' you'll never break my heart? Or hurt me?" I cried

"Promise" He wiped my tears and hugged me


"Harry there's a fire!! Go call 999 I'll try to stop it!" I panicked

"Where's your phone!?" He yelled

"I don't know go out side there should be a telly phone booth!" I replied

I watched as he ran across the street and looked for the telly phone booth. I looked back at the fire to see that I spread.

'Shit my box!' I thought

My box isn't just a box. It has everything. My family photos, my mom's journal, my dad's ring, her locket. HER LOCKET!!

Snapping out of my thoughts I bolted up stairs and grabbed the box. Carefully, I ran down the stairs, past the fire, and out side.

I looked around to try and find Harry. He's no where to be seen. Quickly, I ran back into the house to stop the fire. I grabbed a cloth and smack it on the fire. The cloth quickly caught fire. I dropped the rag and stomped on it. Next thing I know my leg caught fire.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" I screamed as it all went black

-Harry's POV-

I roamed the block looking for the telly phone booth. Soon enough I saw it. Running over, I opened the door and put in change, and dialled 999.

"999 what is your emergency?" A smooth voice answered

"Hello there's a fire at my girlfrie- Friend's house!" I spoke

"Sir, what's your adress?"

"*** **** ********* *****" I said

"Ok sir the police and fire department are on their way, stay calm"

"Thank you" I hung up

I quickly raced back to Addison's house. I stopped when I heard a scream. I was about to run inside until a bunch of fire men bolted into the house.

I watched as they carried out a unconscious Addison.

"ADDISON!!!" I yelled trying to get to her but the police officers held me back

Ripping my arms out of their grasp, I got in my car and met them at the Hospital.

I hope Addison is okay.


Oooooooh what's gonna happen??

Is Addison gonna be okay?

5 votes & 5 comments for the next chapter :)


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