Chapter 24 - Harry & Heartbreak

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"CJ this is-"

"California? What are you doing here!?"

"Hi Liam..." my heart was about to come out of my ass. Seeing Liam, Louis, Niall, Zayn and everyone else but Harry all stand in front of me with mix face expressions really does make me want to stab myself.

Just seeing them makes me really upset because of how much I have put them through and then suddenly I just leave because of a disagreement.

Thank god Harry wasn't here I would of probably actually shit my pants.

Out of everyone here he is the only person I don't want to see, I don't know why but I just can't deal seeing him again. It will probably break my heart, a lot of things were said and there is an unwritten story with him and I so I don't know what page we stand on.

Maybe he closed the book and picked up a new one who knows.

Nash, Keaton and Beverly all run over to me and start hugging me like crazy. Then the boys hug me like there was no tomorrow they were all in tears and then there was Paul.

Who just looked at me with sadness but happiness in his eyes I put down my camera and walk over to him "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry" tears started to fall from my face and then they were on Paul's shirt. I am wrong, I left them and I shouldn't of have I ignored them pushed them away to the extent where they all are crying right now because they finally seen me since two months.


Instead of interviewing the team, I was being interviewed by my team. And let me tell you that it was the hardest interview I had to ever encounter.

"That's incredible Cali you're able to travel from place to place meeting different soccer teams and writing for one of California's top 10 soccer magazine that's incredible!" Nash congratulated me with another hug.

The lads were playing with the team while they played I had my camera on a timer. So I can get them playing with the team should be a great story to write.

"I'm sorry again everyone I should have stayed but I couldn't... I just had to figure things out."

"Don't worry, we see you now and I'm so proud of how far you came I can see that you really changed. You look a lot better now!" Keaton gave me a kiss on the head.

It feels good finally seeing them again but something is different.

The lads finished playing with the team and then came over to me all sweaty and nasty "hey wait let me get a picture of you guys" I quickly took a picture with the guys and a few players from the team. It feels like the hole in my chest is starting to heal up again and I can finally say that it feels good to have this warmth in my heart.

I knew I was too late to interview the whole team so I just ended up interviewing the ones who took pictures with the boys.

"So we were thinking if you guy can come to the concert tonight?" Niall looked at the pictures on my laptop while Zayn pointed out the ones he liked. Going to their concert shouldn't be a bad idea I mean I haven't been too one in a long time.

"Sure why not... So where's Harry?" and then everyone got real awkward.



Harry's POV

"Are you sure I'm not keeping you?"

"No it's okay I like being kept" I smirked at the sexy brunette in front of me getting dressed.

"Ha, ha but seriously Harry weren't you supposed to meet that one soccer team?"

"Yeah but I can meet them some other time" I grabbed her from the waist and kissed her on the cheek.

"Come on let's go hangout with the lads they said they have something to show me" I grabbed her hand and walked out her hotel room. Of course I had to let go of her hand if the paparazzi seen that then they would flip and start getting into my love life like every other relationship.

I was stopped by a few fans to take pictures with them I kind of felt bad for having her go through that huge mob but she didn't complain which was a good thing.

We drove over to the hotel the guys were staying at and of course we ran through some fans.

"I'm sorry about that" I told her before giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"It's alright Harry I don't mind" she kissed me back on the lips as we walked out the elevator hand in hand. I knocked on the guys door and heard them fumbling around but then let me inside.

"Took you guys long enough" I walked in seeing Nash and Keaton sitting awkwardly on the couch.

Niall and Louis were playing with a guitar and a piano. Liam was watching Zayn sketch something on his pad nothing out of the ordinary. "So what is it that you guys wanted me to see?" I took off my bandana.

"Don't get too comfortable we're going somewhere!" Niall opened up a bag of chips.

"Where too?"

"It's a surprise!" Liam said not looking up from the sketch pad.

"Where is Beverly?"

"She's um- she's surfing" Niall was weirdly nervous.

"Why are you guys acting so weird?"

"We're not" Zayn smiled at me.

"Well then what's going on?"

"Nothing we're just going on a boat and just going swimmin' that's it geez wait to ruin the surprise!!" Louis screamed at me.

"I'm sorry mate I didn't mean too" he just laughed and shook his head.

"Do you want to tag along?" I asked her looking down at her.

"Um... if that's okay with the guys" I pointed at them.

"Of course it is okay with us-" Niall said as Louis smacked his arm and whispered something to him.

Her phone started to ring and she took it outside in the hall to answer "alright what's going on why are you guys acting so weird?"

"We're not Niall is just nervous because he's going to see Beverly in a bikini" Niall started to blush as we all started to bust out laughing. Niall likes Beverly but he never told her because he wants to keep things professional.

She comes back inside and tells us that she can only stay for an hour or so, then everyone gets their things pushes us out the front door why are they in such a rush?!


California's POV

"Stop being so nervous Cali you're going to be fine!"

"Yeah right Beverly I haven't seen him in months I don't know what to say or how to act" I started freaking out as I walked around the room. Beverly made me change into white sundress with some gladiators and a sleeveless jean jacket. She had me put on some flat shoes to match my dress.

My hair was down in waves for the first time my hair was in waves and it looked good.

"Come on the guys are here" my palms started to sweat my body was getting hot flashes I felt like I was about to puke.

I walk out on to the top of the boat and see his back turned to me, he was wearing some sandals with white shorts that were at his mid-thigh and a red shirt but he wasn't alone... he was with Kendall Jenner..

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