Chapter 12 - Twitching & Tears

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The elevator door dinged and suddenly Paul was running in front of me to her room, Keaton was sitting in the front with his elbows resting on his knees while he looks at the ground lost in his thoughts.

He sees us all running and stands up he stops all of us before we can even go in and see her.

"Nash is in there, Beverly ran to the bathroom. Just give Nash time this has been very hard on him, Beverly and I need to talk to all of you guys" right on cue Beverly comes from down the hall wiping her eyes.

She must have been crying again she looks up and hugs Paul she cleared her throat "how are you all feeling?"

"I just want to see her" Paul sits down where Keaton was sitting.

"I know but we have to figure something out first" Keaton stood in front of the door.

"What's that?" Niall walked over to Beverly and tried to comfort her as she was trying to hold it together I couldn't help but to feel so bad for her.

"Were there any signs of her being suicidal? The doctors think she may have slipped a few pills on purpose..." and then again someone shot into my chest but this one was much worse it was like I had a bullet proof vest and the bullets just bounced off of me.

"But she seemed fine when she was talking to me the other night Keaton maybe she took them by accident" he shook his head and shrugged his shoulders.

"We can't assume for sure, but we just have to pray she wakes up" Keaton's voice cracked and I see his eyes start to tear up again. I wonder where her mom is in this situation how she is doing how she must be feeling.

And then Nash opens up the door "if you guys want to see her you can" he held the door as we all piled inside the hospital room.

Here I am standing at the foot of the bed as her arms were at her sides, wires hooked to her chest, an oxygen hose in her nose, an IV in her left arm she laid still like she was dead I wanted to cry.

"I can't look at her like this!" Zayn walks out the door, leans against the wall looking down at his shoes.

I look back at her I just want her to be awake I want to know that she is going to be okay, I don't want her to be in a comma I want her here with me and everyone else letting us know that she is okay.

Not, this- this body lying in front of me so still I can almost see her chest going up and down from breathing.

Keaton kisses her forehead and walks out the room, Beverly does the same.

"Where are you going?" Liam said.

"To give you guys some space" Keaton closed the door but before he did I seen Beverly kneel down to Zayn and start talking to him.

I look at everyone Niall was leaning against the wall with his hands across his chest every now and then he wiped a tear that fell from his face, Louis was sitting on the couch by the window looking at her with his hands up by his nose, and Liam stood next to me with his hands shoved in his pockets sniffling.

Paul wasn't crying or anything he walks over to the side of her and holds her hand it was so small compared to his "just squeeze my hand, open your eyes do something... Please baby girl I'm begging you" I looked her hand as it rested on Paul's palm.

Then the most incredible thing just happened her fingers twitched "Paul did you see that!" he looked up at me and then down at her hand.

All the guys rushed to the side of the bed to witness her hand moving.

We stood there in silence waiting for her hand to move again come on Cali I know you can do it move your hand again!

The anxiety was killing me I was practically over the hospital bed waiting for her to give us some type of movement or a twitch again because that means that we are getting somewhere.

I look at her hand again and see her thumb slowly move, I heard the guys gasp and move closer to her.

I look back at her face and see one of her eyes twitch oh my god!

She started to move her hand more now and her eyes closed tighter and then the greatest thing happened she opened her eyes and then I cried...

Tears of joy.


Nash runs inside and walks by her side her eyes were the only one speaking to everyone in the room. She didn't make a sound and neither did we, just waiting for her to say something "felt like I slept for ages" I wiped my eyes laughing.

This girl is truly amazing.

California's POV

I have no memory of what happened all I know is that I had a good sleep a great sleep.

I don't know how long I have been here in the hospital but they should release me out soon, my hip is in pain they still haven't told me what happened to me.

Everyone is treating me so nicely and I don't know why usually they are messing around with me and joking but now they are being careful with what they say. What happened when I was out?

"Why are you guys acting so weird?" I look at Liam then back at Keaton.

"Uh-" Keaton was about to answer until the doctor walked in through the door smiling at me.

"Hey there, we didn't expect you to be awake for a while... But how are you feeling?"

"Better than before I know that" I joked with him.

He laughed "well you're test results are in and you are healthy but there is something I want to ask you" then everyone got silent.

"Do you want everyone in here?" he asked.

"They can stay here" if I see what he tells me then maybe I can find out why everyone is being so weird to me.

"Well, do you remember anything from that night?"

"Well only bits and pieces I remember taking my pain medication" he then made his way over to me.

"Do you know why you took your medication?"

"To heal my pain, it's not like I was misusing them" what is going on?!

Then the air in the room seemed much lighter, everyone sighed and relaxed "what's going on?"

"We- we um just thought that you could have been taking your medication because um we thought you were trying to commit suicide...." Is he insane!? Why would I ever want to do that!? I understand I've been through a lot but that is the last thing I would do!

"Why would you assume that I would do that!" my voice was getting louder.

"Well because you overdosed on your pain medication" and then my heart sunk to my stomach.

I overdosed? But I didn't even realize that I did.

"I must have taken the medication to early but I didn't intend on overdosing. When can I go home?" I am so pissed off it's not even funny.

How would my own friends and family assume I am suicidal? Especially Nash, now everyone is going to be treating me differently. I think suicidal is no joke and that it should be taken seriously but why would they assume me!?

Do they really think I am that messed up that I would do something like that...?

Now I wish I was asleep so I wouldn't be feeling the way I am feeling right now.


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