Wet headed

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Funneh's pov

After we drank our drinks we just chut chat and have fun.

chit chatting 😊😊

E-so are you guys having a good time??

D- yeah

G- totally

R- yup

C- yes

F- of course we are

E- well..just asking Funneh 😆

R- so Funneh how are things at high school with Gold

F- Yandere high school is nice and everything but..still Britney is really really mean

G- and Patrisha

D- So sorry for your lost😦

C- enough about mean girls good thing were at camp y'know

E- yeah lets go have some fun huh 😁😁

F- lets go

End of chit chatting..

After our talk we went to the picnic area were we will eat,we grab some food and eat,then i saw Carl walking with a drink then suddenly slipped and the drink landed on..MEEE!!
"COLDDDDDDD!!!" I yelled as i went in our cabin to get a towel and change.

Then i went back outside a little angry"Why did you do that for??" I asked Carl a little mad,"it was an accident" Carl said,"okay but next time better look where your going" i said and all of us laughed and eat

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Then i went back outside a little angry
"Why did you do that for??" I asked Carl a little mad,"it was an accident" Carl said,"okay but next time better look where your going" i said and all of us laughed and eat.

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