One: Beauty and No Brain

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My mother would be so disappointed, if she knew I walked around here with stars on my nipples and a thong, getting naked for men and doing tricks on a pole. She died of breast cancer when I was only fifteen. I had no other relatives and pretty much bounced around from foster home to foster home. I'm not the brightest bulb in the box, barely made it through high school. With no skills or a college degree, it was either this or a shitty nine to five. This was my choice. With thick thighs, a big round ass, a narrow waist, and a pretty face, I made big bucks at Big Tony's. Men who came here weren't broke.

I danced on his lap, moving my hips. Beneath my ass, he was hard. He gets grabby. "Larry" was one of my reoccurring customers. "I pay big bucks in here and now you gonna give me some pussy," he whispered into my ear. I promised myself I would never do that. A lot of the dancers here do, prostituted themselves. I was one of the few that didn't.


He grabs my arm a little harder than he should. "Ow!" The bouncer is there within seconds.

"Bitch, I said-

"What's the problem?" Chance asked through clenched teeth entering the private room sheathed by red curtains. He was very protective over all the girls, did his job well. I felt safe when Chance was around.

I give him a look. He understands and nods. "I told him no," I said and pulled away from Larry.

"You grab her like that again and I'll do the A-town stomp on your forehead after I throw you out," Chance threatened. Oh Chance. I wanted to laugh.

Larry places his hands up. "Fine," Larry said, wiping away the excess powder from his nose. "Since you wanna be stingy with the pussy, guess I could be stingy with the money." I guess you win some and lose some. It was fine by me. I show all my tippers love because I wanted them to keep tippin, but when they started doing things I wasn't comfortable with I switched up real quick. The situation could have been a whole lot worst, though. I've seen the "whole lot worst". I pick up my money after he leaves.

"You alright, Eb?"

"I'm Ok, Chance. I'm going home," I mumbled.

I'm nosey. Plain and simple. There I said it. So when I hear someone say, "How in the fuck does twenty crates of guns- military grade- go missing under your supervision," I'm going to go check it out. Stupid, I know. I had exited the club through the back, stepping out into the alley. There was an abandon building a short distance across the way. Voices rose up from the back of the abandon facility. I sauntered to the building, leaned against it and peered around it.

There stood two men, facing each other. It was clear the bigger one held all the authority. He towered over the smaller man like a dark shadow- with hands behind his back. The smaller man cowered in his presence.

"B-boss listen, t-these people were trained. They had to be. W-we lost ten men." The man's voice was laced with fear.

"What the fuck am I paying you for? To look cute? No excuse." He took a step forward and the other man took a cautious step back.

Turn away Ebby, this is none of your business, I told myself. But I didn't and stayed rooted in place, watching the scene play out. When you see shit like this it interests you in a way it shouldn't- like it's a movie. The media does desensitize us.

"I lost fifty million dollars because of you."

"B-boss, give me a chance to redeem myself. I can get your guns back-

I gasped loudly as "Boss" began beating the man senseless- without warning... with brass knuckles. "Fifty fucking"-his metal clad knuckles connected with the man's face-"million"-he punches him again-"dollars!" Blood splattered all over his face and clothes. He beat the man over and over again. I no longer stayed there because I was nosey. I was in shock.

His victim lay in the middle of the alley, looking as if he got hit by a truck in the face. He was dead. "Boss" stood up and took a handkerchief out of his pocket. He gazed up as if he sensed someone was watching and turned looking straight at me. I snapped out of it then. Face covered in blood, he looked savage, eyes flared. I backed away and ran as fast as I could in heels. A taxi just so happened to pull up near the curb. I barked an address to him and told him to step on it. He didn't chase me.

"Shit!" I fucked up big time. Like I said before, I'm not the brightest bulb in the box. In my defense though, I didn't think he would see me. I was half way hidden behind the building. My body began to shake with fear. Tears misted my eyes. "Fuck," I hissed through my tears. I kept a safe of money for emergencies. I needed that money now. I was gonna disappear.

I sat in the front seat of Boss's (I didn't know his name) black Porsche 911 with black leather interior design. It was such a small car for such a big man. "You weren't a hard woman to find," he said, driving along the highway.

I didn't answer him. "Where are you taking me?" I countered with attitude, looking out of the window at the scenery.

"We're going to get my guns back," was all he said. I didn't look at him. I was afraid too. I couldn't blame him for ruining my life. When I decided to stick my nose into something I shouldn't have, I fucked myself. The atmosphere was thick between us. Why not kill me and get it over with instead of taking me along on a "road trip". Was he trying to turn this into some kind of Bonnie and Clyde shit? I'm no ride or die chick.

I sighed. I'm one of those people who can't stand the silence for long. My gaze shot to the radio. I turned it on. The music thumped through the speakers loudly.

Y'all gon' make me lose my mind

Up in here, up in here-

He quickly turned it off. I burst out laughing. Now that lightened the mood. "DMX?! Really?!

"That was a great album," he grumbled. Then his full lips quirked up into a half smile. "Do you know how many people I lit up to that song?" I wasn't laughing anymore. He was gazing at me with a predatory look. I swallowed hard. The flecks of gold in his eyes blazed like hot lava. When his eyes returned to the road, I was left breathless. Heart beating so fast, I placed a hand on my chest. The way he looked at me was so... Bout to give a bitch a heartattack. He shifted the gears up and stepped on the accelerator. We dashed down the clear road like a bat out of hell. And I knew my life was about to get turnt up.

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