And he believes that? He believes that I have a child? Fuck! I don't have a child, does he believe aunt Piyan? I can't believe this, why does the world have to be this cruel?!
"Do... You believe her?" I asked him while smiling but I know that tears are falling from my eyes
"I don't even know you...
"Ne. I believe her"
And that hits me, no one can truly accept me or love me, who would believe a fag who was gang raped?
I wiped my tears away from my eyes and bravely faced him "Then, I should go now Jimin, thank you for everything"
I softly said and turned around, and silently left with my things. I tried to calm down the moment I went out of the garden but my eyes betrayed me
"Faura" Ahjumma hugged me together with the maids
"Mianhe. We can't do anything"
"Gomawo" the right word finally came out and I hugged them
"Please, take care of yourself. Arrasseo?" Mira said
"Here. Take this, don't hesitate to come back here to ask for more. We'll help you" Ahjumma said
"Ne. Gomawo, I have to go now, he might see me and throw me away" I said to them and turned my back
I walked away in tears. Why does life have to be this cruel? I should've just killed myself

House of cards ➣ pjm°
Fanfiction· In which a boy fell for a naked girl he found on the street, or maybe he didn't fall for her, maybe he fell for her body.