The preparation for the party became hectic, the sched was hectic- and the boutique too. Park Jimin gave the boutique a real big project.
He made us design more than five hundred masks. It's tiring but it's my job. I want to earn and study in the future so I really have to do this. Kajja! Fighting Faura!
"What are you doing?" Sarah asked. Sarah is my co worker in the boutique. She's the one who checks if the design is right and appropriate
"Motivating myself" I winked at her
"OMO OMO OMO!" We hesrd the cashier screamed so we both hurridly went out of the designing office and
"Wae?" Sarah with a irritated tone asked
"Mianhe agassi, we just heard that the owner of the party that we will be serving will come here to inspect if everything is working good"
My knees trembled, what does he want again?!
"What time is that?"
"By three ma'am" the cashier said
I fished out my cellphone from my pocket and texted Lira.
They said that Jimin is dropping by this afternoon, is that true? Help me. Im not ready to face him
After a minute. She replied with a kiss emoji, I'm sure she knows that he is dropping by. IS SHE PLAUYING A MATCHMAKING GAME AGAIN?! Oh no.
"Sarah, I feel so dizzy"
She covered her mouth and dropped her pen to the table "Are you pregnant?!"
"Mwo?!" I loudly asked
"Pregnant. A child. Womb." she explained
"Of course not!"
I know my acting won't work. What the fuck should I do, it's almost three.

House of cards ➣ pjm°
Fanfiction· In which a boy fell for a naked girl he found on the street, or maybe he didn't fall for her, maybe he fell for her body.