An hour later, Jimin followed me to the hospital looking tired. I casually asked him if he wants anything and he just said that he's fine.
I was about to pout at him and nag for him to eat something, good thing I remembered that we're not a couple now.
"How is he holding up?" He asked holding Daine's tiny hand
"Well they think it's normal, I just kind of like overreacted" I said fixing Daine's clothes because I thought we would stay here for long.
Minutes passed and I feel like he's staring at every movement that I'm doing, he stares as I peel the apples and change Daine's diaper, not leaving any single moment.
"Can you" I looked at him and he looked away, "just stay at our house?"
I smiled "that would be hard Jimin, but you can visit Daine all the damn time. If you could" I said to him and he gulped
"Why?" I asked back "we can't stay in the same house if we're not anything. That would be crazy, it would just make us feel much pained"
I saw his eyes waver "No, why are you acting like we were nothing? Why are you being so casual?"
This time, my eyes flicked. Why? I don't want to be awkward around you, because being awkward will make me all weak again
"Just" i stopped for a moment and bit my lower lip "Just because I don't want Daine to grow up around awkward people. Come on, Jimin." I tried to sound enthusiastic.
It's Tuesday today and I got loads of work, I found a small condo unit near a daycare where I could leave Daine when I'm at work.
Jimin followed us all the way here and looked at me intently, sitting with his two hands in his pockets on our newly bought sofa.
"The couch is crappy" he commented
"I know"
"The place is shabby and there are no plants around"
"I know"
"You're leaving Daine at a daycare? What the fuck, Faura?" He said and stood up
I sighed and fixed the plates, making a wonderful arrangement.
"There's no one to look after him when I go to work, I can't go back and forth if I'm going to leave him at your place"
"Ahjumma can stay here!"
"No, she's not going to stay here. Do you mind lowering down your voice? My child is sleeping!"
"Our child"
I rolled my eyes at him "fine."
"If you want to raise him in a place like this, then you should've told me!"
"I did not want this! You know what happened right?!"
"I know and I can't understand why we can't fix this!"
I rolled my eyes, hesitating on what I think I should answer "because I don't love you anymore!"
He looked away and dialled a number on his phone "pick me up" he simply said and ended the call
"Can I see Daine?" He asked me
Pain crossed my eyes, I can see water from his eyes but he's trying to stop it
"Y-yeah" I said and turned around
He made his way to Daine's bedroom and fuck whatever he did there. I want to follow him and hug him and tell him that it's fine.
A minute later, his chaffeur rang the bell and he, without word left the unit.
I sat at the couch and cried silently. Fuck it, why does it have to be this hard?

House of cards ➣ pjm°
Fanfiction· In which a boy fell for a naked girl he found on the street, or maybe he didn't fall for her, maybe he fell for her body.