chapter nine: Hectic

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we were back with the crew with mel and not brandon because he caught a fever about 101.1 and we left him in the care of april.Amelia had a sitter named Rebecca but was given the nickname becca just incase me and bam aren't able to watch her.I haven't seen the guys since I first came back which was about two weeks ago.mel and I were staying at a I decided to take mel to the set to see them.

"ready to see daddy and your uncles?",I asked while putting her in carseat

"yes", she squeled

"ok,amelia your going to be hearing bad words from them okay make sure you don't repeat them ever ok", I warned

"ok momma", she said

"that's my girl", I said

I got into the car that I was renting and drove for thirty minuetes to the set.I took her out of the carseat and put her on her feet.I held her hand and walked with her to the trailers.I saw bam sitting down looking at something that was on his lap.

"go run to daddy", I said

then she took off."daddy!", she sanged

he turned and got out of his chair then picked her up.

"hey amelia", he said then kissed her head

"hey", I said."I hope were not interrupting anything"

"no,its a treat to have you guys here", he said

"well I decided that mel could see her uncles today", I said

"hey bam here's your beer straight from the cooler", a woman said

she had blond hair with a little brown highlights,she was fit,she had light make up on,she had on a v-neck,black shorts,flats,and a headband on.

"thanks,um bella this is lisa she's the new paramedic", he said

"its such an honor to meet you", she smiled


"and this must be amelia.I can that she's going to be a heartbreaker"she smiled."hey amelia I'm lisa"

"say hey mel", bam said

"oh she's can say hello she's usaully not shy around strangers", I murmered

he gave me a look and shook he head.

"what a beautiful girl she's looks just like you bam", she commented

"really?, must people say she looks like the beautiful bella"

"speaking of the perfect family you all should be on a cover of a magazine", she said

"its a good thing you won't be here to long I know my husband can be very develish", I said

"actrully I'm learning a lot from your husband", she said

"I bet you are"

she galnced at me then at bam."johnny said you can do rocky whenever your ready", she informed


"nice meeting you bella", she said as she touched my arm

"you to liz", I said

"its lisa", she corrected

"Excuse me?"

"its lisa you said liz", she said

"oh sorry lisa", I smiled then she left and I looked at bam

"bella", he warned

"it wasn't me blame becca", I said

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