Mom's Date

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Alex's P.O.V.

 I woke up alone in the bed and looked over at Louis's alarm clock. It said 7:45.

"Oh good," I thought to myself, "I didn't sleep in too late." I got up and walked into the living room where Louis was still sleeping.

"Aww." I thought to myself. He looked so adorable. His hair was messy and his eyes shut softly. I began to walk around his living room quietly, I didn't want to wake him. I eased my way over to the corner of the room to his desk. There were drawings, really good drawings. I picked up a paper that had caught my eye. It was a rose but it's center was dying. The outer edges of the rose were perfect but the center was dark and rotted.

"This drawing is about him," I thought, "But I'm the exact same way."

"Has anyone told you what curiosity did to the cat?" said a voice behind me. I jumped and spun around earning a chuckle from Louis.

"You scared me. I thought someone had broken in." He said.

"Sorry." I said and his eyes meet the paper I was holding.

"You like it?"

"No." I said before I realized that was very rude. "I mean, the drawing is beautiful. I just hate what inspired it, and what it's about." I said. Louis seemed glad to know I knew exactly what the drawing represented.

"I thought it might strike a chord with you" He said thoughtfully. I turned around and put the paper back where I found it. When I returned, Louis had walked into his kitchen pulling out a box of blueberry muffin mix. We mixed the ingredients together while doing all those cheesy things that couples do, putting batter on each other's noses and things of that sort. Once the muffins were on the oven rack I went to push it in but the pot holder I was using slipped and my skin met the blistering hot rack.

Louis's P.O.V.

"MOTHER F-" I heard Alex catch herself. I looked over to see her slam the oven door shut and hold her hand. A wave of concern washed over me.

"Let me see." I commanded taking her hand. She had burned the back of her hand at the base of her thumb. Already, the skin was getting red and I could see where a blister would form. I led her over to the sink and put her hand under cold water. The fist she had been clenching with pain loosened and she relaxed. I sighed in relief and went to get her a band-aid. After bandaging her up I could tell that it hurt like hell because she had taken it out from under the coolness of the water. I began to get angry. She was in pain and here was nothing I could do about it. I felt my pulse rise and my jaw clench. My mind got thick and I became quite upset about the whole thing.

"I can't do anything for her." I thought to myself. This angered me more.

"Louis," Alex's voice brought me back to my senses, "Calm down, it's just a burn." she said. I relaxed and looked at her face. I looked at every little feature, from her big blue eyes to her full lips. I sighed and kissed her forehead. She relaxed too. I pulled her in for a hug and stayed like that for a while, I had to remind myself not to hug her too tight.

"Lou?" She said softly.


"I think we're burning the muffins."

"The muffins can go to hell, they hurt you."

"I don't think that was the muffins dear, that was the oven," She said with a playful tone, "and your not bloody likely out rip that out of the wall now are you?" I let go of her.

"Just try and stop me." I chuckled. I made sure that pulled out the muffins and put them on the plates. She let me do this knowing there was no point in trying to fight me. 


Alex's P.O.V.

 I walked in my front door. Mom greeted me.

"Did you have fun at Sarah's" She asked sweetly.

I almost asked her what she was talking about when I remembered my cover story.

"Yeah I did, actually I went over so that we could talk about something that happened." I said realizing that this was the perfect opportunity to tell her.

"Louis asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes!" I said with a huge smile. Thinking about Louis made my heart flutter.

"That's great sweetie! I like him, he's a nice boy" she said hugging me.

"Whoa mom, remember he's my boyfriend." I said laughing.

"You know it's funny, I've got a date! So I guess that means that we are both set!" She said with a cheeky grin.

"That's great mum!"

"Are you okay with me dating?" She asked.

"It's totally fine mom, don't worry" I smiled. She was such a good mother.

"Alright! The date is on Friday." She said excitedly.

"I'll help you pick out your outfit!" I said and we both laughed.

The days flew by. I talked with Louis half the time and I spent the other half prying details out of mom about how her date asked her out. Pretty soon I heard the doorbell ring.

"That's him!" She squealed, "Do I look okay?"

"You look great mom, now open the bloody door!" I laughed. She opened the door and the last person I ever wanted to see was standing there. It was Marcus's dad, who was smiling maliciously at me. 

"Oh god, please no." I thought.


sorry this one is short, but I left you with a cliff hanger MMWHAHAHAHAHA

also, have a Merry Christmas you crazy lil mofos <3

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