Spooky Greeting

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The door for the girls toilet were open whereas the one for the boys toilet was shut. There was a piece of paper taped to the wall. "Light switch for girls toilet is broken." Regardless, I didn't dare enter the toilet. I then proceed to the boys toilet.

Before pushing the door, I turned on the light switch. I pushed the door lightly but the door didn't budge. I added a bit more force and the door opened slowly. I went inside. Nothing peculiar......except a closed cubicle. However, that was my limit. I had a previous 'incident' so I didn't want that to repeat.

I decided to leave the toilet. But before I stepped out, I heard a very soft and subtle "hey" from the closed cubicle. I ignored it and immediately left. I regretted the decision of going there and just wanted to leave. The moment I stepped out, things started happening. The door behind me closed, startling me. I looked back to see if no one was behind me.  However what happens next was what caused me to regret my decision of exploring the area.

I faced the front. To my horror.....in the girls toilet entrance.....a dark figure was standing there. I was terrified and just ran from the area towards the library where there was people. Luckily, my classmates was still there. Seeing my stunned face, they asked me about what had happened. It was hard to explain to them as I still did not process what in the world I just saw. "It's just your mind playing tricks on you....." one of them said. The rest agreed. But I was sure my eyes were not deceiving me and that EVERYTHING was true.

*Well that is it. I may be continuing as to what had happened afterwards. I'm still shaken as to what I saw. Even writing this story is just giving me goosebumps. Hopefully I'll gain courage to type more. Stay tuned.*

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2016 ⏰

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