Chapter 57: Party time

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Priya POV

I was back in our room, and I Got changed into my Pj's and tucked myself in bed.

Minutes Later,....

I saw the door open and it was Justin. I pretended to sleep but I couldn't stop smiling.

"Your horrible at acting!" he says giggling, while walking to me.

He kisses my cheek and gets up and takes his shirt off I front of me and I couldn't help but, look at his toned abs..

He saw me looking and smirked,

He took off his pants and was wearing shorts underneath,

He threw his clothes to the side and hopped into bed next to me and wrapped his arm around me.

"Is Tyler Sleeping" I ask holding his hand.

"Hmm" he says snuggling.

I turn around and kiss him and soon turned out to be a short make out session.

"That was a good make out session," Justin says Smirking over at me.

"It sure was" I say pecking his lips again.

"You look like a hot mess right know" I say fixing his hair.

"Hot?" he says Smirking at me.

I giggle, and lay back down and my phone beeps.

It was Jeremy...

"Hello.....sure.....what time?... Great..okay Bye" I say cutting the phone call.

"What happened?" Justin asks, placing his arm on my stomach.

"Jeremy called, and said that one of your Cousins are holding a Party on saturday at 7 at a Hall and we are invited" I say intertwining my fingers with Justin's.

"Okay, but we need to grab Tyler's Dress suit tomorrow for the Party." He says,

"We'll get it tomorrow" I says snuggling into his chest.

"Okay, goodnight Princess" He says kissing my forehead.

"Justin?" I says looking up at him.

"Yeah?" he says

"Can you sing a song"I asks him

"Sure, which one?" He asks

" about, All that matters" I say

"Okay" he says staring to sing

"What's a king bed without a queen

There ain't no I in team,

You make me complete,

Your all that matters to me,

Yeah , yeah ."

He kept Singing.....and we both soon drifted off to sleep.


Justin POV

"Daddy! daddy" I hear a tiny voice speak.

I open my eyes and it was Tyler jumping on me.

"Goodmorning Bud" I say Giving him a piggy back ride downstairs.

I started to smell pancakes....*sniff*

"Mommy is making Pancakes, daddy" Tyler says as we walk into the kitchen

I see Priya flipping the pancake in the air.

"Here let me try" I say taking the spatula from her.

"Justin you'll drop it on the floor" she says trying to take the spatula back.

"One try..C'mon please" I say pouting at her.

"Fine, but if it drops your eating it" she says giggling.

I flip the pancake and I thought it would land on the Pan but instead in landed on Tyler's head.

"DADDY!" He says taking the pancake off his head.

"Hahaha" Priya says laughing hard.

"Sorry Tyler, hah" I say Laughing at myself.

I give Priya the spatula and head to the living room with Tyler.

Minutes Later........

"Breakfast is made!" I hear Priya shout from the kitchen.

I pick up Tyler and take him to the kitchen..

We all sit down and eat and enjoy our pancakes..

Once we finished we all went upstairs to Change.

Priya POV

I changed into a White Blouse with Skinny blue jeans and had my hair down and put on a grey Beanie with a matching snarf,

I changed Tyler into his Red Cars shirt with Jeans and put on his Hat and we both heading downstairs.

I heard a honk from outside and I knew it was Justin.

I put on Tyler's boots on and put in mine and heading to the car.

I put on Tyler's seatbelt and sit in the front and Put on mine.

Once we reached to the mall we saw Few paparazzi but we Didn't care.

We walked in and started looking around in each Store...






It all Started by Tutoring him (Justin Bieber Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now