Author's note

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please be aware that I wrote this book at 13, prepare for awkward grammar, awkward scenes, and even more awkward plot holes.


Before I start this note I'd just like to say that this story IS COPYRIGHTED (well the version I have made is, obviously the original fairytale is 100% Hans Christian Andersen's work), but as it is a short story I didn't feel the need to post a chapter filled with the rules.

This story is an entry for the competition being held by lgbtq. The task was to use a fairytale and change it to make it revolve mostly around LGBTQ+. On wattpad i've only ever entered two contests (one of which is the bookitcontest and is still ongoing. There's still time to enter guys so you should have a go! The contest is run by laceyr5
so head to her profile to find the rules and how to enter) so I decided to try my luck at this one. I love fairytales and I also life love the concept of altering well known fairytales to make them for everyone so basically the contest was made for me😁😂😂.

I hope you enjoy this short story and the twists added to it. I'm not sure how long I'm going to have this story but the rules state that I can't have more than 20,000 words altogether (excluding authors notes, which is good for me as I make mine wayyyy too long.)


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