Day seven

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Cold. Darkness. Heartache. Those were the constant emotions Ariel felt whilst underwater. The black matter that surrounded her played a constant scenario to her, which only got louder if she covered her ears or brighter if she closed her eyes. For some strange reason she was able to respire properly within the matter, which confirmed her thoughts in beliving it was there from black magic.

The scenario consisted of Erica and the human that found her on to beach touching each other intimately, and was played repeatedly to torment her. This was no doubt the work of the sea-witch. How could she be so naive? She had been warned of her ways, yet still continued to trust her to keep her word.

Rhythmic noises shocked her out of her dream-like state. Her eyes snapped open, and were met with eyes that held a warm, honey hue. The same eyes that belonged to the one person she hated the most. The human male that had found Erica.

He moved from his position standing at the foot of the bed so that he was in the chair beside Ariel. She shifted her weight so that her body wasn't as close to the chair as she didn't feel comfortable being near him.

He sighed and inched the chair forwards. Ariel slowly closed her eyelids and feigned sleep, hoping that he would leave. "I know you're awake," He began. He waited for a response but started to speak again after a few moments of not getting one. "I'm Morgan, Erica's...uh, her um, I guess you could-boyfriend." Boyfriend?! He was surely delusional, Erica was far too infatuated with her to even think about this male! She wondered where he got a such ludicrous idea from. "I'm training to be paramedic, which I why I was able to help you after we got you out of the water. Speaking of that, you have some pretty good lungs, you were under there for over fifteen minutes. Scientifically speaking you should be dead, but your respiratory system must carry a genetic adaptation that allows you to hold your breath for a longer period of time that the rest of us." He was beginning to annoy Ariel with his constant speaking. It wasn't that anything he had said was offensive, it was that it wasn't. She loathed him with a burning passion, but his words were  starting to change that.

"Morgan don't bombard her with words, she can't answer you. That and she needs to rest." Ariel heard light footsteps, and opened her eyes a fraction to see where Erica was heading.

Instead of coming to her bedside to check on her like Ariel thought she would, she walked to the side of Morgan and placed a small kiss on his cheek. Ariel thought  nothing of this purely platonic interaction that she had witnessed between friends a countless amount of times and continued to watch them curiously.

"I know, but even though she can't respond to me I still like to talk to patients, they like the company." Ariel certainly did like company, but not his. When was he going to leave?

Erica smiled almost too warmly towards him, pulling him up for an embrace. He snaked his arms around her waist and she buried her face into his chest. "This is why I love you," She murmured. "you're such a caring person.

He rested his head on top of hers. "I love you also, but i'm no where near as caring as you. You took in a vulnerable stranger and treated her if she was a sister of yours. For that I could never doubt you. " She wasn't a stranger, or her sister. Ariel was her beloved!

They pulled away from their embrace, casting one last look in Ariel's direction before leaving the room with the door left slightly ajar.

Ariel wanted to go after them, but exhaustion overweighed her need to follow them, causing her to fall into another nightmare-consisting sleep.

Once Ariel had awoken from her nap it was still dark. There was no noise coming from anywhere in the penthouse so she knew that Erica would be alone in her bed.

She briskly walked to Erica's bedroom as quietly as she could, and gently pushed open the door.She smiled when she saw Erica's sleeping face lit by the illumination from the moon, and went to the empty side of the bed.

Ariel didn't expect to see another figure in the bed. She also didn't expect the figure to be Morgan, who was equally as bare as Erica with an arm draped across her naked chest.

The tears in her eyes flowed like a broken dam. How could Erica do this to her? Ariel had given up everything to be with her and in the end she had done nothing but abuse her love and trust. She went to love Erica to get away from her father and the rest of the judgement she faced under the sea but instead found out that the humans were just as evil in their own ways.

She ran out of the room and out of the penthouse. Her destination was unknown, but her motive was certain. She was going to end her life before the sea-witch could.

Passerby's looked at her oddly as she sprinted past them, but she pay them any mind. She was used to being wrongfully judged by people who knew nothing about  her.

She soon came to the end of the pier. What would be a better way to bitterly end her life than where it started?

She didn't bother to take off the garment she was wearing, wanting to kill any memories attached to Erica along with herself.

For the second time in the past few hours Ariel's body fell into the ocean, loose pebbles scratching at her skin in the same way that Erica's betrayal scratched at her heart.

Ariel really did believe that Erica would've been the springtime in her permanent winter, but instead she had been the cold storm that killed any warmth she had left.


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