Day one

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The girl in the pic above is Erica, I have no idea who she is but I thought she looked pretty :)

Although she was supposed to leave until after sunrise, Ariel had ended up swimming up to the surface a few hours before sunset as she had accidentally slept in. If it wasn't for her night being filled with restless tossing and turning around in her bed she would have left much earlier.

She didn't know the specific hour, but Ariel could tell she didn't have long left as the sun cast an amber glow across the sea, meaning it would be going down soon.

She hurried towards the surface, swimming the fastest she had ever gone in her entire life. She had waited sixteen years. Sixteen years to see the wonders that her sisters described. Sixteen years to be accepted. She'd be dammed if she would let that opportunity be ripped away from her.

Her head emerged from the water just as the sun disappeared, and she felt pieces of her heart shatter. Her lungs suddenly felt incredibly dry and her cries turned more hoarse.

Because she had come up to the surface after sunset Ariel's body was no longer adapted to respire out of the sea. She lowered her head until only her eyes and the top of her head were above sea level.

Her tears merged with the water as her golden eyes looked around in despair, there was nothing but sea for miles. She decided she didn't care, and would search for a few hours to see if she could find any signs of mankind. She wasn't ready to go back and face her family yet, she didn't want them to have another reason to shun her. 

She thought about how disappointed her grandmother would be when she found out that the only granddaughter to take after her didn't follow in her footsteps to see the wonders of the surface. 

A harmonious melody stuck out from the calm sound of the waves, making Ariel's ears perk up excitedly. She followed the sound, trying to find the source of the beautiful tune being played. She halted in her movement as her eyes found the most bewitching creature she had ever lay her eyes on.

A human wearing a loose white material was stood at the edge of a shiny contraption, holding a shiny instrument to her red mouth. Ariel was mesmerized by the way she gracefully moved her olive fingers across the instrument. But not as mesmerized as she was by her entrancing beauty. Ariel's eyes filled with sorrow when she reslised this was the first and last time she would see the human. 

For next few hours Ariel moved slowly along with the contraption so she could keep the image of the human imprinted in her mind forever. She now understood what her sisters meant when describing what love felt like, she hadn't shared any dialogue with the human but Ariel knew she was in love with her. It wasn't shallow of her to love solely based off of looks, as in the sea, your beauty reflected your kindness, and she was certain that on the surface it was the same.

Amber sparks and thick black mist invaded her vision as screams penetrated her ears. Ariel gasped audibly and fully submerged back into the water just as the human fell unconsciously beside her, with her raven hair surrounding her face like a dark veil. Ariel wrapped her arms around the human to stop her from sinking to the bottom of the ocean and meeting her demise. 

She swam the human to the top of the water and had her lie in a way that made her body float on top of the water, so that she was able to breathe. Ariel's features were clouded with worry when she didn't wake up after a few minutes. 

Because it was beginning to become lighter again it made it easier for Ariel to navigate  herself and the human to the shore using a speed that she had only ever seen warriors use. Once she found it, she brought the human to the part of the sand that was partly in the water. She sat in the water and lay the human across her lap.

Ariel studied her features for a few moments and noticed a small twitch made by her nose. If she had looked at her face a millisecond later she definitely would have missed it. 

She ignored the burning sensation in her torso from not being able to breathe and placed a chaste kiss against the human's full, red lips before quickly dashing back into the water upon hearing a masculine voice shouting in the distance. 

Ariel watched from afar as a handsome man with caramel skin lowered himself to the same lever as the human and began to rhythmically push against her chest. After doing this for around thirty seconds he lowered his face to an even closer proximity to the human's and joined their lips together. The kiss was short-lasting as the human girl bolted upright and began to cough and splutter.

The girl looked up towards the man with severe gratitude as he helped her to stand. She shot him a weak smile as they walked beside each other into the darkness.

Ariel didn't want this man to steal the heart of the girl that had hers, and set off to find the sea-witch to get a potion that let her have another chance at visiting the surface. 

Thank you for holding on with me not updating, i really do love you guys :) It's nice to know that even though my writing isn't that good, you all still enjoy to read :)

I don't have as much homework to do this week so I'll probably update this tomorrow. I think i'll be putting MHB on hold though. But don't worry because I will still finish it within the next year and a bit :)

I'm so mad about the US elections.


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