Chapter Fifteen

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“Oh I just wanna take you anywhere that you would like” I hear when I turn on the radio on my way to my very first day at Australian UNI, but I immediately turn it off. I don’t want to think about that, not today. He isn’t going to mess up my first day. I just hope there are normal people, maybe like Luke or something.


I walk through a crowdie hallway, looking for my classroom.

Jesus, there so many people here. Where the heck is this weird classroom? Urgh, I hate being new, all I can do now is ask someone and look like a fool.

A friendly looking girl with some black glasses walks into my directions and I decide to ask her where I can find the class.

“Excuse me…?” I ask her.


“Hi, I was wondering if you could tell me where seventy-four is?”

“Wait, you’re the new English girl right?”

“I guess I am”

“Well, we’re in the same class so we can walk together”

“I’m Emily by the way”

“Gosh, I love your accent” she says, “I’m Julie”

“Thank you so much”

We walk towards the classroom and I sit down next to Julie. Let’s just hope she’s a bit nice.


So Julie turned out to be really nice. After school we got some Starbucks, but she got a phone call that she has to work. Apparently her brother is in some kind of band, and she always makes the videos, and pictures.

“Juuulliieeee…. Jules?” we hear some guy say.

“Oh god, that’s my brother” Julie says as we get up.

“Luke?” I say as he, who happens to be Julies brother, no wonder she’s nice, walks towards us.

“Hey… Emily? Do you two know each other?”

“No, I’m just having some coffee with a complete stranger”

“Watch it London girl”

“I’m in Julie’s class”

“Aha, I see”

“But how do you two know each other?” Julie asks.

“I sat next to her on the plane” Luke answers.

“OH GOD. I didn’t know you’re THE Emily, LUKE!”

“Sorry?” he says with a questioning look on his face.

“Forget about it little brother. Emily, I’ll see you around”

“Yeah, sure” I answer before they walk out.

Gosh, they really don’t look like each other, I can’t believe they’re really siblings. Oh well, turns out the Hemming’s are nice people.

I walk back to my car and drive back home. I’ve been here now for a week and I start to get how to get everywhere, no need for my Tom-Tom anymore. Not that I know every single road in Sydney, but I know how to get somewhere nearby.  

When I get home I grab something to eat, and sit down turning on the TV. Wait, maybe it’s smarter to take a power nap, otherwise I can’t survive tonight. I have to work all night, not exactly all night, but just long. I don’t know who, but someone is preforming tonight and at the end we still have to clean the area, remove the chairs at the standing area and loads of other stuff. I'm glad I got the simple job there. I just wouldn’t want to be some cleaner. One of the things I have to do is walk with people who got meet and greets and with performers. Sounds like rocket science right? BUT the great part about this job is that sometimes I help out Matt, the head chef who can cook like some kind of God. He always lets me taste before its official dinner time. Yeah, Matt is my food-friend.


I clean my stuff, make sure all the windows are closed and that all the lights are off before I close the door behind my little English bum.

You know, the word ‘bum’ is actually pretty funny. It always reminds me of a bouncy castle. Maybe your bum is huge bouncy castle only for bacteria. They jump but you just don’t feel anything. Sounds pretty logic right? Yes it does, don’t say it doesn’t because it DOES.

When I arrive at the arena I park my car and get in with my official staffpass, it even has a beautiful picture of my head on it, cool huh?

I say hi to Ellen, the really lovely women behind the desk who I absolutely NEVER grumpy. But all she says is: “Yeah whatever, I'm busy”

I just know for sure that she is just playing games or staring at shirtless Abercrombie and Fitch models, daydreaming about them. 

Urgh jak, Ellen, that’s gross! I don’t want to think about what she’s thinking.

“EMILYYY” I hear someone yell.

“Oh, hi Caroline”

“Will you please, please, please help me with the drinks? I have to bring them all up, but there are just way too many. Please help this poor little Aussie?”

“Sure, no problem”

Me and Caroline walk towards the huge storage-room and start moving the drinks. I assume the arena will be sold out because Caroline was right about the amount of drinks, let’s just hope there is enough; we probably do.


“I'm an angel with a shotgun,

Fighting til' the wars won,

I don't care if heaven won't take me back.

I'll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe.

Don't you know you're everything I have?

... and I, wanna live, not just survive, tonight” I hear someone sing, immediately recognizing the song.

“Oh hello there, do you know where I can find the cafeteria?” the person who was singing and who just walked around the corner asks me.

“You’re Alexander Deleon” I say with huge eyes.


“Last time I checked I was, so I hope I still am” he says, “you’re actually the first one who noticed me”

“Well duh, The Cab is amazing”

“Well thank you so much, uhm.. sorry I didn’t catch your name”

“Emily… Smith”

“Emily… wait, you’re British”


“Is there maybe like a really tiny chance you’re here to study English? That you want to become a teacher? And that your dad owns the O2?”

“Holy fuck, how do you know that?”

“Magical Cab powers” he says grabbing his phone out of his pocket, “Emily, it would be such a pleasure if you’d just stay here and wait”


“Please, I’ll get your face tattooed on me, please”

“Wow, slow down there. Don’t do that, I’ll just wait”

“THANK YOU” he says as he gives me a quick hug.



I love my friends for giving me awesome presents, like a 5sos shirt, a 1D blacked, and candy, luf youuu<3

mey soml at my beautiful box, that is supsed to be a tv

URGH i hate it to be a Zayn girl, bc it's Zayn...


I'm sorry, but being 16 isn't good for me and my Zayn feels.

well, this girl is going to chill bc IT'S VACATION WOOH aaaaadios

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