Locked In

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I already wanted to leave and I was only in second period art. I was top of the class in said subject, but not in anything else. Lily, however, excelled in everything except art. She was one of the three most popular girls in school, along with Amber Hillkins and my family friend, Annalise. We all had art class together.

"Hey Kevin, can I use the magenta?" Lily asked. She was currently trying to draw an intricate pattern on her paper, involving what looked like a wheel of knives. Inside the long and curved triangles, she drew detailed Celtic knots. I nodded, as I wasn't about to challenge the 'princess' of the school. She smiled and thanked me, and went back to work. I had already finished my masterpiece, so I went to bother Annalise.

"Hey Lise!" I whisper-yelled, throwing a paper ball at her head. I knew that this would bother her, as her dark and curly locks took a lot of work. She whipped around and glared at me. "God Kevin! What do you want, I'm TRYING to not fail art here!" Our teacher, Mrs. Wilkski, yelled at her for talking in class. I stuck my tongue at her and she glared at me.

"Ew Lily don't talk to that nerd. He's stupid and ugly...kinda like that slut, Jayde," Amber muttered. I perked up at this. Annalise knew Jayde, but not the way she wanted to. Annalise always mentioned how Jayde was bullied all throughout elementary and middle school by Amber. I felt bad, but Jayde Terrence was an amazing athlete. She was better than all the boys, even the seniors. We're freshmen, for God's sake!

Mr. Wilkski told us to clean up our supplies after what seemed like decades. The bell rang right as we finished, and he dismissed us. "See you all tomorrow!" He gleefully shouted. I mentally sighed. Today would be a long day. My thoughts were confirmed when Tyler, the school bully, shoved me into a locker.

"Hey you! Move it!" He shouted. Students knew not to look, as Tyler would most likely harm them as well. I quickly grabbed my books and sprinted down the hall and away from him. I saw him scowl out of the corner of my eye, but I entered science the bell to be in our seats rang. He was late, serves him right. He had math right now, and I know this because I heard Mr. Kinley scream at him. My whole class quieted down, including the teacher, in order to hear him.

"MR. STEWART. YOU'VE BEEN LATE A TOTAL OF THREE TIMES NOW IN THE LAST WEEK. THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE! MAYBE YOU CAN FIX THIS NEW TREND IN DETENTION, AFTERSCHOOL TODAY!" Mr. Kinley yelled. We all gaped, shocked at how loud he was. My teacher blinked from confusion, but went on and continued to tell us about our atmospheric relationships test this Thursday.

*Timeskip* History is possibly one of the worst classes of my day. It happens to be my worst subject, as well. My average is a 67! Fortunately, I have it 9th period, the last period of the day. Our teacher, Mr. Sagan, was trying to explain the Civil Rights Movement to us. My table wasn't bad, with Annalise and Ryan across from me. However, Randy was next to me. Randy was nice, but he was obsessed with memes and Tumblr. The other two at our table were Alayna and Lily. Our teacher announced that our next project would be to research a contributor to the movement and write a report about them.

"This will be done in groups. Table 1," he pointed to us, "you all will be doing Martin Luther King." He went on and on about what groups did which person, until Alix Rhodes spoke up. Since she transferred into the full class, she sat alone. Knowing her, she didn't mind it much.

"You forgot about me, Mr. Sagan. What group should I join?" She asked. He thought her statement over for a bit, before responding. "You can join Table 1's group, Ms. Rhodes." She pulled a chair over and sat right by Ryan.

Soon enough, the bell rang. We all rushed out of the hellhole of a class in order to go home. "YOUR PROJECTS ARE DUE NEXT WEDNESDAY, SO DON'T SAVE IT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE!" Mr. Sagan shouted. Before everyone at my table could leave, I told them to meet me at the school library in fifteen minutes. They all agreed, and we went our separate ways.

*Timeskip* Everyone was at the library, looking for books on Martin Luther King. We definitely got the easiest person, but we still needed to put in the work. Ryan and I were looking for books when another, smaller group came in. It was Grace, Amber, Tyler, and Jenna, who was Ryan's sister. They were in period 7 history. They told us that they got assigned the Little Rock Nine to do as their contributors. I smiled, and we all went silent, agreeing to get work done and nothing else. The announcements went off as I heard our principal speak. "Attention, everyone. All afterschool sports practices and games are cancelled. Thank you."

This was great! We wouldn't be disrupted in our research. Maybe my average would go up if this project was good enough.

*Timeskip* We were all leaving the school, as it was open until 6:00 but we left at 4:45. However, all the doors were locked. We all panicked silently, knowing that we were the only ones here. Suddenly, we heard a low, dark voice on the loudspeaker, directed at us. "Hello. Since you have nowhere to hide, I think it's time for payback..."

(A/N: Hey! So this chapter is basically my intro to the fic, with it being how everyone gets stuck. I think that I can have a lot of fun with this, as I know the ending amd stuff. Also, I'm so sorry about the smut requests, I have been trying to incorporate them in. In addition, I'm writing a Phanfic and it's pretty sad so stay tuned. Remember to follow, vote, and comment. Bye for now)!

P.S: This fic is written from Kevin's POV

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