Float Like a Butterfly, Sting Like a Bee

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  The hooded figure was back, wielding a metal pole. The shiny steel contrasted the matte crimson that coated half of the pole. They seemed off, though. The outerwear was cobalt blue, but that could be because of an already bloodied layer. The oddity was that another figure with a black cloak was walking down the hall, towards the cobalt hood. Annalise and I exchanged glances, before slowly backing away.

  We saw the pair glaring at us, which we took as our signal to run. Annalise was nimble, as she danced in her free time. She grabbed my hand and darted off, quick as a jackrabbit. Lily and Alayna were turning the corner when Annalise was, and she skidded to a halt in order to avoid collision. "Where's Jenna?" I asked.

  "Jenna disappeared, so we assume she's lying dead somewhere," Alayna explained. I heard rapid footsteps approaching, and so did the others. The four of us turned around to see Jayde, with her hood down.

  "Hello. So I've been alerted that you know of my...position involving the deaths of your friends. We can't have that, so breathe your last because none of you are getting out alive!" She lunged for Lily, who jumped out of harm's path.

  "The security cameras have captured it all! The school will arrest you and you'll go to jail," Lily yelled.

  "Nope. With the assistance of a friend, the cameras are not functioning any longer. Therefore, there is NO proof that I've done anything," Jayde revealed, "and it appears Alayna took off."

  We carefully spun, making sure that Jayde wasn't about to attack. She was correct in the fact that Alayna had indeed vanished, but whether or not it was voluntary was something that had yet to be determined. I shook it off, and stared back at Jayde. She smirked at us before taking leave.

  I feared that Jayde would strike again soon. Annalise reassured me that we would survive, but I wasn't entirely sure. After all, Ryan was alone. Lily was quiet, refusing to talk. She realized the slim chance of survival we had. Her once sweet and loud voice turned weak and timid when she spoke, breaking the uncomfortable silence.

  "We might survive...I mean, there aren't many of us left to kill anyways. We know for sure that Tyler, Amber, Randy, Alix, and Grace are dead. For this purpose, let's assume Jenna and Alayna are dead. That leaves me, you, Annalise, and Ryan alive. If either of the two mentioned previously happen to be alive, than that's 5-6 of us still living. Jayde's chances of not finding us are actually around...47%."

  This was good news. However, the chance of being found and killed was so much higher. Lily stayed with us for now, as she'd go with Ryan when she found him.

  *Timeskip, Ryan POV* I was slowly going crazy. I thought that I heard footsteps before, but there was no one there. It was 1:00 in the morning. I was genuinely scared for my life. It was dark, and I was still alone. I saw Jenna out of the corner of my eye. Her hair was flaxen, and her eyes were two shining sapphires. I observed that something was wrong, though.

  I know my half-sister very well. I was tipped off when I saw sparks of a flame in her eyes. It wasn't the good kind, however. Jenna's nails had small, blotches of red staining them. I realized that maybe Jenna wasn't so innocent, after all. I carefully padded away, not wanting to be seen. After some my escape, I saw what appeared to be Kevin, Annalise, and Lily walking towards me. They waved at me, and I walked over.

  Jayde was behind them, not far back. I noticed it and alerted them. But the athlete was too quick, and grabbed Kevin before we could react.

  *Kevin POV* Jayde shut the door to a closet, and shushed me. "Hi, Kevin. So, I don't REALLY care too much about your opinion on this situation, but I won't let you leave here. Either you stay with me, or I kill you," Jayde muttered. I stayed silent, and made no move to leave.

  "Good. Anyways, I was thinking that maybe I should meet the parents soon? After all, I need to see your family if we are going to have a life together."

  "My father is a ringmaster of a travelling circus, currently in Georgetown. So you cannot meet him," I said.

  "That's fine for now. But, now moving onto a serious topic. I did everything I did for you, and I hope you realize this. Your friends were getting in the way, so I just..." Jayde trailed off.

  I had spotted a sharp pair of scissors in the supply bin behind and below me. I reached for it, wary of Jayde's vision. Relief washed over me as I gripped them in my hand. Jayde opened her mouth to speak again, but my instincts were quicker.

  I jammed the object in her throat, causing her to stare at me before dropping dead on the floor. I almost pitied her, but I couldn't bring myself to. She was a psychopathic killer until her very end. Oh, how the mighty have fallen. I felt bad, since she was only 15, but she would have hurt many more.

  I left the closet to see Jenna with Ryan. She was at a sink with him, washing her hands. Suddenly, she grabbed his head and put it under the faucet. I ran over to help him, and overpowered Jenna. Ryan was gasping for air, before he fainted. Jenna tried to run off, but she accidentally slammed into a pole and fell, completely unconscious. I knew Ryan would be fine, but I was still worried.

  *Timeskip, next day* School was cancelled due to the murders. Annalise, Ryan, Lily, and I had to go because we were witnesses. Ryan explained the story to the police, who wrote every detail down. I spotted Alayna, being carried into a stretcher. It was good to know that Alayna had survived the fray. After the interrogation, we all got to leave. Before the others did, I piped up.

  "Hey, guys. Ready to get to work on the social studies project?"

  (A/N: WOW. First off, this is the end of the road! The epilogue will be very short, but there will definitely be one. Also, I really loved writing this story, and I'm glad people read it. This is on a completely unrelated note, but comment your favorite song down below. I want to get to know you guys a little bit better. Remember to vote, comment, and follow if you enjoyed it. Bye for now)!

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