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*Third Person POV* Kevin and his group were presenting their project. Annalise spoke smoothly about how Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had a huge influence on modern day society. Ryan was poised when he spoke, summing up his famous speech. This project counted for both English and history, so each group had to analyze a poem or speech.

The class was much more dull without Randy's constant relation to memes, or Alayna's hand being raised for most of the class, despite her nature. Lily seemed to be in a state of trauma from the previous week's events. Jenna ended up being sentenced to 39 years in prison. Even their old teacher had noticed the heavy silence in the room.

"Very good, Group 1," the teacher remarked. Kevin's smile was forced as he and his group sat back down. The group had gotten considerably smaller since last week's tragedy. It was only him, Ryan, and Annalise. Kevin had always been an optimist, though. He suspected that with time, they would all heal.

*Four years later* Kevin was packing his bags that night. He was leaving for college the next day, along with Ryan and Annalise. Somehow, they all got accepted into Princeton. For Annalise, that came as no shock. Kevin and Ryan were bewildered when they got their letter of acceptance. They didn't expect to get into such a good college.

Kevin was excited to get away from the horrible Woodflow High School where he had been broken. In univeristy, he thought that it would get better. Lily had flaunted her letter of acceptance too, so the four friends would all enter college together.

*Eight years later* Kevin was sitting by the fire that night, reminiscing on his high school years. Even at the age of 26, everything was still fresh in his mind. He had gotten married to Annalise, and they had two beautiful children, currently asleep. Kevin got up to go check on them, but he noticed that his wife was asleep as well.

Kevin and Annalise spoke with Ryan and Lily often, as the duo had also gotten married. Kevin was happy now, because his life had taken a turn for the better. Now, he had everything he needed. Curling up next to Annalise on the couch, he pulled the blankets over himself and drifted off into sleep, dreaming of his happiest moments and greatest achievements. They were finally safe.

(A/N: Hey! So I'm pretty much done with this series now. I know this epilogue was short, but I felt that it didn't need a long one. Unless I get requests to add on to this book, I can officially say I have finished writing eXpelled. It's been great, thanks to you all. Bye for now)!

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2017 ⏰

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