And Then There Were Nine

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  Everyone began to panic. I thought of who would try and hurt us, and only one person came to mind-Tyler. However, he was panicking right next to Amber, who was shaking with fear. So who, then? Tyler got up and spoke in a low, dangerous tone he used only when he was about to punch someone. "I'm going to go find out who this is, and report them."

  We all nodded. He ran off, and we cautiously stepped out of the library. Chances are, this person would find us and kill us all if we stayed there. I decided to take charge of the situation. "Ok, we should break up into groups. There are eleven of us, so everyone get into groups of 3-4." Alix, Randy, and Amber went as a group. I went with Grace, Ryan, and Annalise. Lily, Jenna, and Alayna went as the final group. I noticed Jenna had done her nails white with pearls decorating them, which complemented her demure features.

  I was worried enough when we split up, but when we heard a locker slam eight minutes later, it worried all of us. "Okay, now even I'm creeped out," Annalise stated, "maybe we should split even more? I'll go with Ryan."

  The duo ran off, their footsteps echoing in the halls. "Hey guys!" Grace and I yelled, surprised. Luckily, it was only Jayde. "Oh...hey Jayde. Why are you here?" Grace inquired.

  "Well, I didn't hear the announcement on the loudspeaker, so here I am! My parents are still at work, so I can't be picked up. Why are you here?"

  "My friends and I are doing a project, so we stayed after to do some research. The reason we are all still here is because all the doors and windows are locked."

  Jayde's eyes widened. "That's so weird! Normally they lock up when I cut-I mean, study." This bit of news intrigued me. Jayde hurt herself. I assume it's because Amber bullies her for not being anorexic like she is. I put my hand on her shoulder, warmly. "Hey...I'm sorry. I'll give you the hotline number. Call it whenever depression hits, okay? Oh, and stay safe," I stated. She smiled and thanked me, then walked away.

  I felt bad for Jayde, but there's nothing I can do. Suddenly, I saw Alix, Randy, and Amber rushing towards me. "KEVIN! TYLER'S MISSING!"

  *Timeskip* The trio quickly ran off to tell the others after, but the two of us went to look for Tyler. Grace, being the immauture person she was, noticed that a kid's lock was unlocked. "Awesome! I'm gonna powerlock them. This oughta teach that freshman to lock his lock." As she slipped the lock off the hook, the locker opened. What was inside made me want to hurl.

  Tyler was in there! Or, his corpse was, at least. He was covered in blood, and when his body fell out, his limbs were repositioned. Whoever did this to him must have beaten him really badly. Grace and I were terrified. If this is what the person meant by payback, then they are really serious about it. Grace and I sprinted away from the scene, and went to hide in the gym locker room. I had a sinking feeling that we weren't getting out of here untouched...

  *Alix POV* Amber was in the bathroom, and we had to wait. That snobby little girl can't use the restroom at a time like this! After all, we found Tyler's carcass on the floor in a hallway. She went upstairs in the faculty area, because she thought she would be cooler. Randy and I were dragged out of an awkward silence when we heard a high-pitched screech. When we located the source of the scream, we saw a figure look towards us. It stepped on Amber eight times, then sprinted off down the hallway.

  Amber had a lot of broken bones. There were three flights of stairs in order to get up, so it's possible that the person pushed her. Her neck was snapped, as well as her ribs crushed. Randy and I exchanged glances, fear in our eyes. I pushed mine down, wanting to stay strong. "Randy. We need to get out of here. Now," I muttered with a low and dark tone of voice.

  He agreed with me, and we proceeded to run into the library, where we climbed into the vents after a long struggle of trying to pry them open. I felt bad that Amber was dead, but I wasn't about to mourn her when all she was to me was nasty and cruel. Besides, I had to focus on keeping myself alive too. It's an added bonus if Randy makes it along with me, but I'm indifferent to the idea.

  *Kevin POV* Grace and I left the room, treading carefully. After all, we didn't want to be killed like we saw Tyler. In the hallway, we saw Anger's corpse on the ground. I was so surprised. Amber, although she was vulgar, didn't deserve this. Nobody did. Grace was nowhere to be seen. "Grace...?"

  I heard Grace yelling, but not being murdered. I followed the sound to see Annalise. She seemed worried and scared as I observed Grace's movements, slow and graceful like a swan. Her eyes betrayed her, as she was drunken on hatred. I didn't dare to move, not yet.

   "I've hated you for so long. You were more popular, and had better grades. You're amazing at everything you do. So why, then. Why kill Amber and Tyler? They posed no threat to you. I know why you did this. You're not even sorry, are you? Wanting revenge for what Tyler did to you. Amber should've helped. But instead, she stood there, petrified," Grace snapped.

  "It's not me! Even though I despised him, I know two wrongs never make a right. This scar only proves it. And as for Amber, she was my best friend! We've been close ever since second grade. I wouldn't do anything to her!" Annalise cried out.

  "LIES! EVERYTHING YOU SAY IS A GODDAMN LIE! It's all because of the day where Tyler shot you, isn't it," Grace hissed. I remember that day clearly. Tyler had gotten drunk (or so he says, I know he didn't actually) in our second year of middle school. He'd always loathed Annalise, but for no reason other than she was too kind. So, he shot her in the leg, and claimed it was due to his drinking. Luckily, she survived. However, she was traumatized since that day.

  Grace was pissed. She was irrational when mad, letting her violent temper control her. She whipped out a knife from her pocket and went to attack. Annalise was quick, jumping out of harm's way and grabbing the knife from Grace's hand. As Grace went to punch, Annalise forgot about the knife in her hand. With that, Grace fell and her body was lifeless before it even hit the ground. Annalise started sobbing, shaking and falling to the ground. I silently cried along with her, realizing that I'd lost such a close friend. I had a feeling that this would only mark the beginning, though...

  (A/N: Hey guys! Thanks so much for getting me on the top 1000 horror fics on here. This couldn't have been possible without you all, so I really love you for it. Also, eXpelled is a short, miniseries that will have shorter chapters. I really don't have much to say here, but follow, vote, and comment. Bye for now)!

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