Sun beams

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Hmm what should I wear?

I have to look at lest cute. Digging for an outfit in my closet I think-

'I don't want to mess this date up but I'm nervous... what if it's too awkward? Then what do we do? What if me and Connor has absolutely nothing in common or he finds out he doesn't like me at all.'


I say to my head. When I get nervous I always over think too much. Looking at myself in the mirror, eh I don't look that bad, but am I going to do with my annoying black long hair?

Ding, my door bell rings.

Erm.. too late, I quickly check if there's anything on my teeth and use my hands to tame my hair. Walking down the steps I swear I cannot believe this is happening.

My smile widens when I spot Connor, standing there awkwardly talking to my younger 7 year old sister. His eyes meets mine and we do nothing but stare.

Shit, bad idea.

I thought as I almost trip over the stairs. Finally meeting Connor at the door I thank my sister for opening the door for Connor.

"Hey," I greet him, not knowing what else to say. Ugh I'm such and awkward person.

I bet he could tell that I was feeling uncomfortable so he ask, "hey, you ready?"


"Let's go"

"Ok", I laugh at Connor... this could go really well or really bad.

After some pizza we're going to get ice cream. Surprisingly it was not awkward at all, me and Connor end up joking a bunch. Now we are waking into the ice cream store and I can feel my mouth water. So many choices, so many colors-
It's overwhelming.

"Oh how am I going to pick one from 100?" I joke, looking up at Connor. He puts his hand on my back gently. "Like how you picked me from a 100 of guys." Connor says with all seriousness.

100 guys? As if

I smile at that because it's not true, took me a while to get Connor let alone 100 guys.

"Let's get the Cotton Candy flavor!"
Ahmm.. I love-love cotton candy, anything that contains cotton candy flavor, I'll have.

"and I'll get chocolate chip" Connor agrees. I nod, best date ever!
"Be right back", Connor assures as he goes to buy the ice cream and I was alone.

Best thing I could do is find a seat and I think it'll be best to eat outside. Walking out of the store the door makes a ding sound, alarming the workers that a person entered or left the store.

Right away, I can feel the sun light on my face.

Yep perfect for the ice creams.

Walking to a empty table with two seats, I sit down and pull out my phone.

Me: I'm outside. Got us a spot, just turn left when you come out.

A second or two later.

Connor: ok I'll meet you, still in line :(

Me: you're the best ;)

Connor: bet :p

Something's off, I swear the sun was just right in my face and now there's shade. Stupid me, I look up thinking it was Connor with my goofy smile.

And my smile drops,
"What the hell are you doing here?"

Nathan smirks, "what? I can't get ice cream now?"

"Yea, pretty much" I sarcastically answer.

It looks like Nathan just got out of work out and he's sweating a lot. As if he can read my thoughts he pulls up the bottom of his white shirt to wipe his sweat from his forehead. Obviously showing me his hard abs. I look but quickly avert my eyes back to his stupid face with his stupid smirk.
"See something you like?"

I fake smile at him, "yea the sky behind you"

"I like the view of Sky too" he says looking me up and down sending me weird feelings up my spine. Of course I'm not dump he meant me not the sky I was talking about about, but it's funny anyways.

"Stop, Nathan" I laugh and put my phone down on the table.

"Nate" he corrects me for the 1463th time.

I roll my eyes, "go away now, I have a date to wait for."

That didn't seem to make Nathan hit the ground running away, instead he did the opposite.

He fucking pulls the chair opposite me out and sits in it, leaving his position, the sun beams once again land on my eyes

"baby girl, I thought you'll never ask"

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