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Two years later....

Niall smooths down his crisp white buttoned up shirt as he stands in front of the full length mirror. He takes a few deep, calming breaths as he thinks about what he's about to do. I'm getting married. The thought reverberates through his mind and he can't quite believe it.

His eyes flicker over to his bedstand, to a small photograph in a simple black frame. A girl with dark hair and bright green eyes smiles out form the picture, taken mid-laugh. Niall's heart lurches at the sight. He misses her, he wishes she were here right now.

He runs his hands through his hair as the thoughts of that dreaded day start to run through his mind. No, no no, he thinks. Can't do this right now. Can't cry an hour before you're getting married.

His thoughts are ripped from the terrible memories as four laughing boys all fall into the room. Louis, Liam, Harry and Zayn all throw themselves at him and they fall backwards in a heap onto the bed, Niall whining about how his shirt will get creased.

"Marriage, eh?" Liam shakes his head as they all get up, chuckling. "Going to the dark side, mate."

Niall just shrugs. "Love her."

The boys just nod. Two years ago and they would have never thought this day would come. That Niall would be ready to get married so soon after Lydia's death. But things had turned out differently than they had all expected.

"C'mon," Zayn grabs Niall's arm. "Let's go see that bride."


The small church is situated right in the centre of Niall's childhood town in Ireland. The dark wooden pews are decorated with small white flowers and guests are bursting in the aisle, making it hard for Niall to get to his rightful place at the front.

"Scuse me," Niall mumbles to what feels like a million people before he finally gets to where he wants to be. He spots his family - Greg, little Theo, his parents - standing at one side of the church and gives them a wave, having seen them earlier. There's people he wants to see more.

Turning to the front row on the right, Niall spots them.

"Niall!" Ten year old Carmen screams and then sets off at a pace Usain Bolt would be jealous of as she throws herself at Niall. He catches her, standing up and swinging her around in a circle.

"Oh my god I missed you!" Niall laughs, squeezing her tight.

"It's your fault for being away all the time," Carmen giggles pressing kisses to Niall's cheeks, before pulling away and looking straight into his eyes. "No but please Niall," she leans back, her voice now serious. "Please come and see us more. We miss you... We miss Lyd."

Niall gives her a small smile, he knows that he and his fiancée spend too much time on tour with the boys. "Will do Carm, I promise." He sets her down on the floor, "Christ, you've gotten so big!"

Carmen just winked at him sassily before strutting over to speak to Louis and the rest of the boys. Well... more like tackle-them-in-painfully-tight-hugs.

Niall goes over to talk to Karen for a while, exchanging hugs before the pastor comes in and all the guests who fill the church settle down in their seats.

Niall's heart's drumming at a million beats per minute.

And then the music starts, the church goes silent, the sound of violins piercing the air.

And the atmosphere builds and builds as Niall stands at the altar with his four boys dressed in dark suits behind him, since he couldn't choose just one best man.

When Love Heals - A Niall Horan FanficWhere stories live. Discover now