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Annyeong my lovely chingus ! Here's another chapter for you guys !!

Yoo Ra's POV

I woke up the next day with my eyes all heavy since I couldn't sleep last night. I checked my phone to see a missed call from Ji Yong and a text message.

Yoo Ra-ah. Can you come over to YG Entertainment ? Sajangnim says he wants to see you -Ji Yong

The feeling of anxiousness came over me. Meeting YG ? What does this mean ? Is he going to shoo me away from Ji Yong ? I have so many questions and negative thoughts. I couldn't stop myself from thinking until my phone rang.

I picked it up to hear Ji Yong's voice.

" Yoo Ra ? You're awake. I saw that you have read my text. So, are you going to be able to come ? " he asked. I then only realised it's Saturday.

" Uhm, yeah yeah, I'll be there soon. " I quickly hung up. I ran to take a shower and picked a random casual outfit out of my wardrobe.

I got to the first floor to see that no one's home. I decided to just buy a snack from a nearby cafe.


I finally reached YG Entertainment as I finished my breakfast, only a coffee cup left in my hand. I gulped as I walked inside the building. I'm worried of what YG would say to me and what will happen.

" Yoo Ra ! What are you doing here ? " I heard Han Bin's voice from afar. I turn to where the voice came and smiled with relief, knowing that Han Bin will be here with me no matter what.

" Hey, Ji Yong said that Yang Hyun Suk sajangnim wants to meet me. " I smiled. Han Bin put an arm around me and pulled me to the elevator.

" Ji Yong ? Since when have you called him that ? You barely even talked to him. And is there any reason why sajangnim wants to talk to you ? "

" Uhm, I don't know. "

We finally reached the top floor where I assumed where YG's office is. The door opened and Han Bin led me through the hallway of posters. There was posters of celebrities that debuted in YG, they were all in line as we pass them.

Han Bin finally stopped as we were in front of a door which wrote 'Yang Hyun Suk's office'. Han Bin let go and waved as he left the floor. I was back to stage one, worried and nervous. I was reaching onto the handle when the door was unlocked from the inside.

" Yoo Ra. You're here. " Ji Yong said, I looked up to see him smiling brightly. He led me in and made me sit in front of Yang Hyun Suk, the founder of YG Entertainment. I was speechless.

" So, you're Park Yoo Ra. " YG started. I only nodded as that's the only thing I could possibly do right now.

" So, there's a scandal of Ji Yong and you. I'm not shocked as it was Ji Yong who got into the scandal. " YG said which made Ji Yong chuckle.

" I only asked you to come over to ask if you want to confirm it or not. Ji Yong has gone past the dating ban so I am not allowed to prohibit him from dating. " YG said in a polite manner.

" Uhm, uh. " was all that came out of my mouth. I turned to Ji Yong who was looking at me. He turn to YG as if he knew it was his cue.

" We'll discuss this between us first then we'll tell you after. "

YG nodded and we were excused to leave.

" That was intense. " I said as we reached the bottom floor.

" Yeah. You're so cute. " Ji Yong smiled which caused me to mirror his expression.

" How did you manage to find sajangnim's office ? "

" Uhm, Han Bin led me there. We met as soon as I reached the building. " Ji Yong only nodded.

" Do you want to go see him first ? Or should we go discuss about this immediately ? " Ji Yong pointed towards another elevator.

" Yeah, I'll go see him first. " I smiled. Ji Yong told me to go to the elevator which goes down and to click the lowest floor where the cafeteria is. Ji Yong then went to the elevator we got down from.

" Yoo Ra ! What did sajangnim talk to you about ? " Han Bin asked as I sat beside him on the cafeteria table.

" About Ji Yong. " I said softly, hoping he wouldn't get mad. He has been like a protective older brother to me since we were a kid.

" What ? Ji Yong sunbae ? What does he have to do with you ? " Han Bin raised his voice. Thankfully, no one was in the cafeteria except for us and the rest of iKon.

" It's nothing, it's just that, wegotintoascandal. " I said as rapidly as I can.

" What ? " Han Bin voice was raised once again and his eyes was wide open, Han Bin easily catches up to my rapid speaking. The others tried their best to ignore us so that I don't get embarassed.

" I-I didn't expect it. Ji Yong was the one who slept on my lap, I couldn't do anything. " I tried to reason out of the situation.

" HE SLEPT ON YOUR LAP ? " Han Bin shouted. He may be over-reacting right now but he just seemed normal to me because this actually happened before, just with different people.

" Y-yes. " I lowered my voice, not wanting to fight with him. He sighed after hearing that I lowered my voice.

" Let's talk about this some other time. " he calmed down and continued eating, ignoring me which means it's my cue to leave.

I went up the elevator and met up with Ji Yong who was waiting for me.

" Ready to go ? " Ji Yong asked as we walked towards the front door.

" Where are we going ? " I asked, putting my hands into my hoodie's pocket.

" Anywhere you like, m'lady. " he curtseyed which made chuckle. He led me to his car and I was introduced with a white Lamborghini Aventador.

" Stop staring at it and actually get in. " Ji Yong waved his hands in front of my face.

He went to the passanger's seat and lifted the door up. I was astonished at how it opens already. I sat on the seat and Ji Yong pushed the door down as he sat on the driver's seat.

" This is your ride ? " I looked around the car, this is amazing.

" Yep, now the destination please. " he asked as he fastened his seatbelt and I did mine.

I told him the destination and he was surprised to see a quiet alley.

" Why are we here again ? " he asked, a bit worried. I simply smiled.

" You'll see. "

I barely finished this up. I hope you enjoyed this chapter !! Don't forget to vote and comment. Xx

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