Chapter 5 Getting to now him

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Rachelle's POV

“I'm friends with the monster that's under my bed

Get along with the voices inside of my head

You're trying to save me, stop holding your breath

And you think I'm crazy, yeah, you think I'm crazy

Well that's not fair! Ooh Ooh, Ooh Ooh bum bum, bum bum”


“Ah! How long have you been standing there?” I ask Dalton around the corner of the wall in my room.

“Just long enough to tell Eben you should tour with us.”

“Really? Um, I don't, um, really?” I say stuttering word after word. Would he really do that for me?

“Yup your voice is ah- mazing!” he blushes and walks away.

“Wait- wait. Would you really do that for me?” I ask just making sure he's not pulling my leg. I've always wanted to become a professional singer. But I just never had the chance to. IM5 would be a perfect chance to do what I love. Sing and play the guitar. He give's a slight nod. I leap up and bear hug Dalton. He hugs back and we cling to each other so tight you can tell it was meant to be. He lets go and he starts for the door. Oh no I scared him off, way to go Rachelle.

“Where are you going? Did I scare you?” I ask sitting on the bed. Oh my goodness he is such a babe. But I have to keep my poker face. Dalton turns slowly and walks toward me. My shoulders instinctively rise up and our faces are literally 10 inches apart. He sighs and says.

“Do you like me for me? O-or just because I'm kind of famous?” I can really see the worry in his eyes. Its probably true, a lot of people do like people because there famous. I think its wrong. I pat for him to sit by me and he walks over and plops down on the bed. He keeps his gaze on me and I just look him strait in the eye and say

“Of course I love you for you and even if you didn't have the guys I would still like you,” My face gets so hot I have to put my hands over my cheeks and lay down next to him. “Hey we still have a week to really know each other so relax and if in the end I turn out to be the little jerk who hate's people tie me up and throw me in a ditch,” He laughs at this and puts in hand on mine. I don't know if it was on accident or on purpose. We just laid there for a couple of minuets.

“Okay, well if we're going to get to know each other we should start by hanging out. I say we should go back to the pool if no one's there.” Dalton is already on his feet heading for the door.

“Um sure meet in the hall in five okay?” He goes to his room and I run to my bathroom and jump up and down. I open my suitcase and pull out my bikini, it's purple with white hearts I grab my towel and rush to the bathroom to put on a little water proof mascara. Hey you should always look your best when seeing a guy. That sounds really bad doesn't it... oh well. I go out side and he's already standing there looking at his watch. He grabs my hand and I get pulled on to the staircase leading down to the pool. Dalton opens the door to the stair case and moves behind me. In front of Dalton I get a cold wind come at me and i'm already freezing. In just my bikini we walk to the 50º stairway. Dalton pushes me in and he directs me to the pool door. Thank you captain obvious! We run in and I sit on one of the benches and try to warm up. I look up and Dalton’s putting a towel over my shoulders. Thank god, no ones here (the boys, mom, or Eben) or else I would have had a thousand questions thrown at me. I look and Dalton and he smiles and puts his head on my shoulder. He then picks me up and walks over to the pool side.

“NO! Dalton no no no no no no no!” I scream as I'm thrown into the water, again. He looks at me from the side of the pool and starts laughing uncontrollably. Its quite cute. As he's laughing I grab his hand and pull him in to the blueish water. He topples in and lands right on top of me. Me and him then come gasping up for air and we both start laughing uncontrollably. We both start to settle down a bit and he has to go and splash me. So I splash him back and he puts me in an arm lock and starts pulling me across the pool. I love how he doesn't hesitate to become friends. We end up at the deepest part of the pool and I look down then up again he's staring meed in the eye smiling. God those eyes, so blue. He hits me with something unexpected. A question. A very, very weird question.

“Do- do you like, cats?”

“Um, yeah I have one, why?” he stares at me.

“You said you wanted to become friends right?” Oh yeah I guess we have to learn about each other and not just sadly flirt.

“Ooh I got one. Whats your favorite color.” he stares again and says

“The color of your bikini, or in other words purple.” he chuckles a little. Dalton and I talk about a lot of different things from what our favorite Chinese restaurant is to how many times we've had detention. We start swimming around again and we go in a tiny circle. It looks cool for a second but I trip over him and we flail into the water. He catches me. We sink to the bottom of the 9 foot pool. I put out my arms to feel something and I touch fluffy stringy hair. Soft as can be I feel a face then hands on mine. Dalton grabs me by the waist and swims up. I would make a big deal about being under for that long but I just cough a little and look at Dalton holding me. He Stupidly looks down at his arm wrapped around me and pulls it back.

“Thanks Dalton.”

“Well I must always help a damsel In distress.” He says bowing and laughing at his joke. I start to swim to the silver ladder but a hand grabs my ankle pulls me down and dark figure goes over me. Dalton! That little..... He doesn't know I’m a swimmer so I leap out of the water and start doing freestyle. I easily pass him and win to the ladder. Out of breath and out of time I look at my clock. Shist, It's already one I grab a few towels, throw some at Dalton and we run up the freezing stairs back to our rooms I try to dry off a little before I step in side. I see my mom and the boys at the kitchen table making something. I think cookies. Will is the only one making the cookies and the rest of them are throwing the flower and eating the batter. Me and Dalton stand there unnoticed for a while until mom looks up and sees us. Her smile widens and Dalton and I are dragged in to the kitchen and we all start eating and baking cookies, cakes, and whatever we have. If your wondering we stayed in a suite so we have an oven and a big island. Me and the guys are stuffing our faces when eben walks though the door. We all freeze I don't know if it's good or bad that he's here but he starts walking toward me. He reaches behind me and pulls out a cookie, Takes a bite smiles and caries on. We start baking again, after he leaves and we break out in to song a few times. Me and Dalton could not stop looking at each other. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2013 ⏰

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