Chapter Two

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The Vampire's Daughter

It had been a week since Jimin started his new job and Yoongi had been trying to avoid him.

Yoongi's plan was to follow Jimin home to sneak attack on him, but Jimin had always been getting off work before Yoongi. Until today.

Yoongi got off work thirty minutes before Jimin was done and waited by the water fountain in the lobby.

"Oh, hey Hyung. Seems like you're waiting for someone." Jimin smiled.

"Yeah. You. I was thinking I could maybe visit your house today. And wow, you really do wait until it's dark to leave, don't you?" Yoongi said.

"Of course I do. And I thought you hated me. Why would you do that?" Jimin stated.

"You make a good point... I was thinking, maybe vampires aren't as bad as I think they are, so let's go." Yoongi told him.

Jimin raised his eyebrow, "If you say so..."

The two walked to Jimin's house in silence.

Once they arrived, Yoongi looked around, "Nice place. Why is there a pink dress the size of a kid on the ground though?"

"Uh... my friend Jin hyung, he really likes pink dresses so he buys them for no reason." Jimin made an excuse.

"Weird." Yoongi said.

As Jimin's back was turned because he was cleaning the small mess on the ground, Yoongi slowly pulled a wooden stake out of his bag, hoping Jimin wouldn't hear.

"Hey! Big meanie! What do you think you're doing to my appa?!" A little girl yelled from the hallway.

Yoongi immediately put the weapon back and gazed to the hallway where the girl was.

Jimin turned around, "Eunju, don't call guests names."

"He was going to try to kill you!" Eunju shouted, "He's a meanie!"

Yoongi stood up straight, "I didn't know you had a daughter... and you left you home alone while you were at work. She's like six."

"First of all, yeah I have a daughter. But I'm totally single." Jimin winked with a smirk, "Also, I leave her alone because yeah she's six years old in human years but she's actually 40 years old in vampire years.

"Omo, really?" Yoongi took a step back.

"Appa! Stop lying! I'm really six years old!" Eunju whined.

"Yeah, I'm kidding. I just wanted to freak you out. Vampires age until they hit the age eighteen, that's when they stop aging for a while. And she wasn't left alone, she was at school then her uncle picked her up at babysat her." Jimin said, "I thought you don't care since you hate vampires."

"You hate vampires?! Why are you here?!" Eunju stomped her foot.

"Eunju, go to your room. I'm sure you have homework." Jimin ordered.

Eunju nodded and went to her room.

"Wait, a vampire going to school? Why are you letting that happen? You guys are not human. You guys can't be normal." Yoongi took out the stake again.

Jimin chuckled and his eyes glowed a faint red and his fangs grew out, "You're right. We can't be normal." Then Jimin's eyes went back to normal and his fangs went back in, "But we can try as best as we can. I ran away from my family because I didn't want to kill. Now why would someone like you want to kill me? Let's just be friends."

Yoongi shook his head, "I can't be friends with the monster that killed my brother and turned my parents."

"Oh. So your parents are vampires? Then why do you hate us so much? And not all of us are killers." Jimin said.

Yoongi bit his lip, "My parents didn't want to become vampires, they were forced to save me. Thanks to that, I haven't seen them since that day. But my brother lost his life because of a vampire."

Jimin sighed, "This will be hard... I guess I can't win you over yet. But someday... I will."

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