Chapter Ten

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Please Comment and Vote~I got my WINGS album yesterday, it's the yoonmin version^^



It had been two months since Jimin and Yoongi started dating. Besides the fact Eunju hated Yoongi's guts, everything had been going well.

Lisa hadn't even been trying to hurt Yoongi. It was as if she was just being Jimin's student in the dance class. Even so, Yoongi still tried to avoid her.

As Jimin's class ended, he received a text from Yoongi: Is she gone yet?

Lisa smirked, she was the last one to leave since she liked extra practice, "Tell him I'm gone."

"Stop reading over my messages. And why would I lie to him?" Jimin rolled his eyes, heading straight to Yoongi's studio.

Little did he know, Lisa followed him.

When Jimin entered Yoongi's studio, he smiled, "Hey babe."

Yoongi spinner around to face the door to greet Jimin but saw Lisa right behind him, "WHYD you bring her?"

Jimin raised an eyebrow and turned around, "Shit. I should be more careful about my surroundings." 

Lisa dashed towards Yoongi, pinning him into his seat.

"Yah! He is mine! Lay off of him!" Jimin protested.

"Pabo, I'm not trying to kiss him! I'm trying to bite him." She placed her lips, sinking her fangs into Yoongi'a neck.

Jimin pulled her back immediately, checking on Yoongi and covering his wound with a cloth. His eyes turned red and his fangs grew out as he glared to Lisa, "Leave or you won't be going to report to my parents alive."

Lisa bit her lip, "Don't assume that this will be my last time here. Yoongi is my target to kill after all." She said then left right away.

"Jiminie..." Yoongi spoke up, "I'm worried."

Jimin nodded, "Don't worry. I'm sorry I put you in this danger." Jimin pecked Yoongi's lips.

"I don't know if I can sleep well tonight without worrying she'll be sneaking around my house." Yoongi sighed.

"Then do you want to spend the night at my place?" Jimin offered.

Yoongi nodded, "But no forcing yourself on me."

Jimin nodded, "Okay."

So therefore, Yoongi stood in Jimin's living room with Eunju glaring at him.

"Don't mind her. Eunju, do you want dinner?" Jimin asked.

Eunju nodded, "Yes, Appa!"

Jimin placed down a plate of bulgogi and well... blood to drink.

"I thought you don't eat because you're a vampire, isn't it the same with Eunju?" Yoongi asked as Jimin gave him some bulgogi too.

"No. Her other Appa is a human, she's half vampire. I almost starved her when she was a baby because I thought she was a full vampire." Jimin explained, drinking some blood casually.

"Wow, you're such a great Appa." Yoongi joked.

After dinner, Eunju yawned, "Appa, I'm tired."

"You can go to bed early if you want. You don't need to ask." Jimin smiled.

Eunju nodded, "Okay."


Once Eunju was in bed, Yoongi and Jimin was cuddling on the couch.

Jimin wrapped his arms around Yoongi as they snuggled close together.

"Aish, why is my job so tiring?" Yoongi groaned.

"I'm the one dancing all day, don't complain about your job being tiring." Jimin chuckled.

"Yeah yeah. I'm just a tired human being." Yoongi said.

"Then I'll show you to the room you'll be sleeping in." Jimin got up and walked towards the hallway with Yoongi following.

Jimin walked into his own room and started to take off his shirt.

"Yah! Jimin, what the fuck are you doing?" Yoongi shouted.

"I'm changing into my pajamas, I'll get you some soon." Jimin said.

Yoongi sat on the bed, trying to avoid looking at Jimin changing, but it didn't work so well.

"Why are you starin at me?" Jimin asked.

"You have such a cute belly. Like you have abs  kind of." Yoongi smiled.

"Glad you like it." Jimin patted his stomach and put on his shirt."Here." He then passed Yoongi his pajamas, "Get changed in here. It's not fair you saw me and I can't see you."

Yoongi rolled his eyes and got changed, uncomfortably, "Now can I go to bed?"

Jimin nodded and crawled into bed and opened up his arms, "Come on."

Yoongi got into bed and into Jimin's hug.

Jimin rubbed Yoongi's back until he heard soft snores coming from the older.

Jimin smiled, "Goodnight, hyung."


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