A smile for a day, might keep him stay

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Jay's POV

" Natalie, what are you doing?"

She grabbed my hand and took me towards the center of all of the buildings. " Ok, well we did that, and now you have something to blend into while you're here...Um it's getting late so we'll just head home then."

" Home?" I questioned, and looking up at the sky. " It's barely the afternoon."

" Um..Well it just that it gets busy around here, and I'm not a crowd person." she stated, her eyes weren't looking at mine, but instead seem to be distracted by the other kids wandering the area. I knew she was hiding something from me.

" Nat, are you telling me that you have a problem with these guys?" I questioned. Natalie jerked at the question and turned away.

" It's more complicated than you think." she whispered. I saw that she must had been ashamed of herself in some form, but it had to do with the fact that the other kids didn't like her. I couldn't help but smile a bit, and I had an idea.

" We don't have to go home though." I smiled.

" Yes, we do!" I countered back. I shook my head.

" Come on we have the whole day ahead of us, and you're not alone." I took her hand. " Look at all of these things to do. Most of this stuff isn't even back home, so how about we just ignore everyone else and make this day all about you getting the full blast of enjoying all of these things!"

" Jay...It's-"

" Nat, don't worry. Besides if someone tries to hurt you. They would have to go through me, the Lighting Master!" I smiled trying to create a lighting bolt out of my hand, but...it didn't work. " Umm...Well, I still my fighting skills, and charm." I winked at her. Natalie blushed and placed a smile on her face. " See there I made you smile, that's a plus for our day."

We wondered around the shopping mall, taking everything in as if we entered this place for the first time. Well...it was the first time for me at least. Looking towards the small building in the corner, the bright lights shone in my direction. " What's that?"

We walked towards the bright building and to my amazement my life seemed almost complete! " Is..is that what I think it is?"

Nat looked up and a smile creaked upon her face. " Oh, I forgot this place was here. I'm guessing there aren't any arcades in Ninjago."

" No, so in this world they have building just for playing video games!" I gasped in complete awe.

" So, are we going in or are you going to keep staring at the sign?" Natalie teased walking towards the building.

" Uh, in of course." I ran after her, and through the doors. Inside was filled with the different noises of each game. Never before have I seen so many games in one place. " Where do we even start?"

" Ok, I use to come here when I was younger, and the best games that I've done were...well, it all really depends what you like." She stated. I could tell she knew what she was talking about and just didn't know how to express it. I smiled at her and looked around. Then there was a game that caught my eye.

" What's that?" I walked towards the game.

" Oh, that one's a classic." she smiled. The top of the game stated PacMan. " It's called Pac Man, and you that little yellow thing, and as you go through the maze there are four ghost. You need to eat the little orbs and once you do the ghost turn blue and that's when you can eat then, but you only have a little bit of time to do so." she stated.

" Oh, aren't you a gamer." I smiled at her. Nat blushed a bit, but didn't try to show it.

" Did you want me to show you?"

" Hey!" We turned around and there a older boy came up to Natalie and smiled. " You think you know what you doing, girl?"

" Yeah, do you?" She countered. The boy smiled and placed a coin on the game. " You want to play?"

" There's two machines of the same game. If you think you can beat me, then you get my title as the PacMan master, cause no one's ever beaten me on this game. If I win, then you have to go out on a date with me."

I looked at him in complete shock. " What? That's not fair!"

The boy glared at me, " Shut it, blue bird!"

" Hey, chill man! I accept your challenge, but only to shut your mouth!" she snapped at him, and for some odd reason a small shadow came around the other boy; sending a chill up my spin. Natalie glanced at me and smile. " Don't worry I got this."

The game began both players were moving so quickly. My hands really wanted to have that feel of touching a controller again, but it was enough to just see Nat killing it up there. They were neck in neck; eating the ghost as soon as the got the orb. They continued to move on to each level, but things began to get interesting. I began to have a memory of the others playing games, but that was before things got difficult and after the death of Zane, Cole turning into a ghost, and now this...Peace seemed too far away, that times back then were gone.

" Ah no!" The boy's yell woke me from my trance. I looked onto his screen and the PacMan was gone. Natalie was finished her round and with that she gained a new high score.

" Nice, you got the new high score!" I smiled. Nat couldn't help but smile back, and as to looked at the other boy. She held out her hand.

" That was a good game." she smiled. The other boy couldn't help but smile as well and scratched his head.

" Man, you're something else. We'll have to play again next time, and this time I'll beat you!" he teased.

" We'll see." She looked back at me and smiled. The other boy left, and soon the crowd dispersed as well. I couldn't help but want to play now.

" Man, that was so cool. The way you were one with the game, and everything!" I looked at her. " Why, don't you come here more often?"

Natalie froze at the question. " Well, it's...I...it's a touchy subject." she stated. " So why don't you try?"

" Alright!"


The night was dark, and the winter winds began to pick up. " I thought desserts were suppose to be hot." I complained.

" Well, we still have winters." Natalie smiled. Her eye had a faint glow to it, and I've loved how peaceful she looked. I looked up to the sky and smiled.

" I wonder how they're all doing?"

" I'm sure they're fine, but I bet they miss you greatly. I mean you are the one that keeps them from fighting."

A placed a charming smile on my face. " Yup, that's me. The charming blue ninja!" I chuckled. Another gust of wind hit my face, but this time it was different I turned around and I had to rub my eyes cause what I saw couldn't be true. Looking back it was faint, but it was there. On Natalie's back a pair of black lustrous..wings, but how was that possible. "Natalie?" 

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