The Point Between Hope and Revenge

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Natalie's POV

" What do you want?" I asked, my heart pounding as Yuko cornered me in the alleyway. I was just making my way to the store when this had happened. " Yuko?"

The boy smirked, and his eyes gleamed a deep red. " You're a sneaky one, aren't you..You think I wouldn't find out about your ninja friend?"

" I don't know what you mean, and why are you so interested in my personal life?!" I hissed at him. Yuko's smile disappeared, and his eyes gleamed even brighter.

" I have a right to know, I am your Master.." he stated.

My heart dropped. " My Master?" I asked, even more shocked.

" Why of course Netherling...Why do you think I spent so much time with you. Why do you think I asked about your dreams, or about Jay.."

" How do you know about him?" I stuttered, my voice cracking.

" Because Natalie, I'm the one that created you!" he chuckled. " I'm the one that made you, Riku, and Yuki! I'm the one that brought all of the others into this world, and I'm the one that made those two girls disappear, and you will too disappear if you fail me, like your sisters.." he hissed.

" Riku?! The one that can see spirits, my friend that disappeared months ago?!" I asked, even more confused.

" That's right, but she failed to kill Cole, just like Yuki failed to kill Zane.." he growled.

" What?!"

Yuko and I turned around, once we had heard the voice. It's was Jay's and his eyes were wide with shock. " Jay!" I called out to him.

The boy looked at me. " What's going on?!" he asked. I shook my head, and turned to Yuko, whose eyes were wide with the lust to kill him on sight.

" Hello, ninja!" he growled, his eyes glowing with rage.

Jay's gaze sharpened. " I hear what you said, and I may not understand what's going on fully, but I did understand the part where you messed with our world.." he growled at him softly.

Yuko laughed. " Ha! Well, you foolish ninja, you messed with something that cannot be brought back, and now! All of you will know my pain!"

" That still doesn't give an excuse for what you did to my brothers, and to my friend!" he hissed. " Nat, do you believe this guy?"

I couldn't say anything, the facts...they all match up...If I was his creation, and I was meant to hurt him. " I...Jay, he's right....That night where I told you I was afraid of hurting you, well I was right..." I whispered..

" What?! You can't just break down like this?" he yelled at me. I shook my head, and closed my eyes. I could feel the people walking past us, giving us strange looks, and hear their whispers.

" We have to get out of here!" I yelled, and as my black wings unfolding with with a flash of purple light, I transported us into the middle of the desert. Jay, stumbled on his feet, and looked around.

" Why the middle of the desert?!" he yelled. I looked at him.

" They were watching us, and we can't let anyone know about what's going on!" I yelled, my voice breaking with fear.

" Nat..." Jay whispered my name, the way he said it made my heart break.

Yuko turned to Jay. " Jay, do you remember what Zane and Cole talked about...they talked about how in their dreams they saw a black wolf?" he smirked.

Jay's eyes widen. " Cole, the night after he woke up and came to us...he was different, he kept asking if they seem a black wolf, and he kept asking about Riku.."

" Then the same with Yuki..." he added.

" Zane after we found him on the island, he asked about her!" he stated. " This was your doing?!"

" That's right, and now that I'm here! I'm planning that to take to down, and at least destroy one of you!" Yuko turned to me, and with his eyes glowing bright red, I felt a throbbing pain in my head.

" Dyaa!!!" I screamed, collapsing to my knees. " Get out of my head!" I yelled. Yuko didn't budge, and kept on pushing.

" Erra! Leave her alone!" Jay yelled, and jumping off the ground, he kicked Yuko in the face, but it was too late. I felt myself lost in his powers, and once I opened my eyes they no longer glowed purple, they were red....

Third POV

Natalie's eyes were now lost in the shadows, and Yuko was in control of her. " Now, my Netherling, kill Jay!" he yelled.

Black wings, and horns emerged from Natalie, and as Jay turned to face her. She was too quick and slammed Jay to the ground. " Natalie! I'm not going to fight you!" Jay yelled, getting to his feet.

*Then you'll die!* Yuko/Natalie growled at me, as she swooped down from skies, and came in for another attack.

Once again the ninja of lighting didn't attack back, and dive after dive Jay was barely holding on. Natalie with her jet black wings soared in the skies, and with the little hope the he had in her, Jay yelled. " Nat, attack me all you want, but I will never leave you!"

Something flickered inside her heart. A small piece of light began to grow. " Jay!" Natalie yelled, trying to break free of Yuko's curse. " Get out of my head!" she yelled.

" That's right, Nat! Keep fighting!" Jay yelled, limping to his feet.

The light grew more and more, and Yuko began to lose his grip. *Darn it!* he growled, and letting go, he transformed himself into a crow flew away, far from the two of them.

Natalie, now free from the curse, fell to the ground. " Nat!" Jay ran to her side. The black wings, now tainted with evil, disappeared. " Hey, stay with me!" he yelled, shaking her.

" Jay...I...I didn't mean to!" she yelled getting to her feet.

Jay looked at her, and shook his head. " No, it wasn't your fault!" he yelled, but inside she could see the damage that she had done to him, all because she wasn't strong enough to fight Yuko. " Nat.." Jay came closer to her, and out of fear she back away.

" Don't touch me!" she yelled, and closing her eyes. She opened her wings again, and flew towards the mountains that were only a few feet away.

" Natalie! Come back!" the boy would yelled out for her, but after what had happened, things could never be the same again, and the healing that Jay had done to her, would have come undone with the slightest touch of evil. " Natalie!!!"

The girl with powers of an fallen angel, was now even more sure that she was nothing but that, she had no future, no life, no good in her....Yuko was right, she is only a weapon, a mere creation of hatred and rage. Natalie could never fall in love, not like Yuki and Riku...who had powers that didn't cause harm...

No, Natalie was a Fallen angel, powers of pure darkness, and as her black wings disappeared in the darkness....she knew in her heart that her love of Jay could never be true...she couldn't have anyone to be with.....

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