Whispers in the Dark

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Natalie's POV

It was the middle of the night, and I couldn't sleep a wink..my heart felt like it was being watched, and my mind felt like it wasn't in control.

*You can't hide forever, Netherling!*

I sat up and looked around..That sounded like Yuko's voice, but that couldn't be it! I thought. I look around again, seeing if there was someone watching me.

My black wings begin to unfold, and my eyes glow a bright violet. " Hello?" I call out, but there was no answer....Only silence.

*Natalie, I created you, and where two of your sisters have failed....you will succeed!*

I whipped around, but there was still no one. " What do you mean?" I asked the voice in the dark.

*Netherling, you will destroy the ninja for me, and you will destroy Jay!* he hissed.

" Why are you doing this?" I asked another question.

*Because, the ninja destroyed something of mine, something precious to me....now they will pay!* The voice moved to another side of the room. * The wolves of night serve me, but they aren't nearly as powerful as you, my dear....*

" What?!" I yelled, but the voice didn't answer back, and before I knew it, he was gone....

*knocking at door*

" Yes?" I called out, and this time someone answered me. It was Jay, and his tired looking eyes looked at me worried.

" Are you okay?" he asked groggily.

I nodded my head, and relaxed my wings. " Sorry, it was a bad dream.." I lied.

" Are you sure?" he asked, not catching it. I nodded my head. " Come on.." he smiled, and walking into the room, and sat down on the bed. " What is it?"

I sighed, and looked at him. " I don't want to hurt you.." I whispered.

" Nat, you're not going to hurt me..." he said. I shook my head.

" No, you don't understand! I've been hearing voices lately, and they keep telling me that I'm going to hurt you, but I don't want to....you're the last person I want to hurt.." I began to feel tears welling in my eyes.

Jay smiled softly, and with his silent hand, he wiped away the tears. " Hey, shhh...it's okay...no matter what's going to happen we're going to get through this...Hey, Cole and Zane did, why not us..." he smiled.

I smiled, blushing...

" Why don't you bring out your wings more often?" Jay asked, looking at them. I forgot I let them out, and was about to make them disappear, but Jay shook his head. " Please don't, their beautiful.." he smiled.

I stopped, and allowed them to rest on Jay's shoulders. " I...I...I normally hide them because I'm afraid of what-"

" Others may think?" Jay finished my sentence. I nodded my head. " Why judge yourself on someone that's not you?" Jay asked. " You can't be afraid to be yourself, I mean look at me. I'm the jokester of the group, and thought I"m not as serious as them I play my part in my own unique way, and you have to learn how do that too..."

My eyes widen, and smiled softly. " It's harder than what it looks.."

" I know, but maybe once this 'darkness' thing is over, maybe things will be different.." he smiled.

I nodded my head. " Jay, can you stay with me tonight?"

Jay smiled, and nodded his head. " Yeah, of course..."

I scooted over on the bed, and he rested right next to me. I was afraid that once he left the voices would come back, but now that my source of hope and light was with me. I felt the whispers in the dark disappear, and as I began to drift asleep...I felt safe within Jay's arms. 

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